Monday, February 15, 2021

Knockin' on Heaven's Door

I  had a dream last night that I was lost in New York – specifically Manhattan. If you’ve ever been there you know that this is, pretty much, impossible. Why? Grids, baby, grids.

Not in my dream though. Not only were the streets laid out more like Boston, they were – also like parts of Boston – cobblestone (hard for me to walk on AND maintain balance), PLUS instead of a below ground subway, mass transit was above ground trolleys – like much of Boston still is.

I’m tellin’ you, this was mega confusing. I was trying too get from  TriBeCa to Grand Central (Warum? Who the fuck knows). I boarded three different trolleys, walked endless blocks – no luck. I was mystified. Walking, it takes about an hour and is, pretty much a straight shot up West Broadway and Park Avenue. How could I possibly get so damn lost.

  1. it was a dream
  2. I’ve a talent for going off-course. Hells bells, I’ve gotten Jen and I lost in Amsterdam and that’s after having been there three times before.

What’s this all mean? Dunno but I suspect it has something to do with my ever worsening crap health.

How? I feel pretty disoriented. Every night, before bed I’m scared shitless that I’ll wake at one AM, in the midst of yet another motherfucking seizure. Chilling out, relaxing my brain and muscles is my adult version of a blankie and bedtime story.

Yes my April MRI is being moved up but I don’t have the date yet. The meetings with my neurologist and neurosurgeon will follow. I expect to be in the OR in March. HOWEVAH, nothing is written in stone yet and that bugs me. I wanna know the dates NOW.

The Amazing Bob’s fear every time we had to go to MGH, was that they’d keep him and, one of these times, he'd die. He did. I can SO relate.

Knockin' on Heaven's Door – Dylan

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