Monday, February 1, 2021

Snow Day

I quit my job yesterday. Why? I need to lower my stress levels and refocus my energy. 

How does this translate into action?

I’m going to be upping my physical therapy levels – becoming more organized and focused and shit. Once, every waking hour to hour and a half, I will get up and perform at least one exercise or, at least, walk around the house. I’ve been attempting to do as many of my PT ops as I can at a go. This hasn’t worked out so well. I tire quickly and it takes such a LOT of energy to jump into a long exercise routine. Doing a little bit, but doing it each hour means that I’ll, ultimately, be PTing more and, hopefully, seeing greater progress in recovering strength and physical equilibrium. Makes sense, no?

What about emotional/mental PT? I’ve already mentioned (at least a zillion times) that I need to draw and doodle more. Being able to create whatever I want – not following a company’s corporate dictated design specs or the expectations of a very nice but artistically conservative customer – that shit’s freeing. While I won’t be doing the once an hour thing with doodling, I WILL open my sketchbook (and mind) at least twice a day and have at it.

Also, I need to get outta the house BUT be safe from potential plague carrying people. There's no going into shops, restaurants or populous areas for me. Ten and I will motor down to Nantasket later today (high tide is at 1:49PM), sit in the car and gaze out at the waves. MAYBE, if no one’s about, I’ll get outta the car and take a few snaps. It’s cold today (OK, not really. It’s 32ยบ – practically spring-like) and there’s a snowstorm in the forecast. WHO, besides me, would be on the beach? This could be awesome.

I SO miss strolling about, capturing pics of nacha (or nature for those of you NOT from the Boston area).

Other stress relieving tactics? Cat (and other non-human) scrolling. Cute pet (and non-pet) animal scrolling is a total smile inducing chill-out mechanism. Yes, yez, I will continue to be a well informed,
realistic, proudly liberal carbon based life form. I will NOT however doomscroll or read clickbaity articles and columns. n.b., the following types of posts count as clickbait:

  • Any which claim so-and-so DESTROYED (insert Republi/Fascist Asshole of the day here). NO, the asshole du jour (and his/her scum sucking political grift) were NOT decimated. They just maybe got an unusual and mild public spanking. It’s only ‘news’ because the media generally lets Republi/Fascists get away with torturing truth to death (when they’re not just shooting it straight in the face).
  • All Newt Gingrich reports. He’s not news. He’s a bomb throwing, depraved and lying-ass  corrupt swindler. He’s a stupid person’s idea of an intelligent, savvy human. As McKay Coppins said in an Atlantic article he’s a combination of self-righteousness and smallness, of pomposity and pettiness, that personifies the decadence of this era. Also, he’s now wholly irrelevant.
  • Most opinion pieces. I wanna know what’s actually happening and what our elected officials are or are NOT doing to help us citizen types. Beyond voting and writing letters I don’t have the power to change things. Hells bells, at this point I can’t even participate in protest marches. SOME opinion columns are good, helpful reads. SOME provide useful, helpful info. A lot of them just tell me what I already know and increase my sadness and hopelessness over the state of humanity. NOT helpful or destressifying.

I’ve just been informed, by Ten and Jen, that the height of the snowstorm will coincide with high tide (1:49 PM) and driving will be AWFUL. In fact, I understand that most Massachusetts companies are sending staff home at noon. Huh. I guess our Nantasket visit will have to wait. *poop*

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