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Sunday, August 25, 2024

He’s Boring

An insufferable nudnik, a tedious cow (not to diss our bovine friends), a gigantic pool of swampy pus.

You all know who I’m talking about.

His act is beyond stale. His rambling stream-of-hate, wank-festing diatribes are old and tiresome. His Hitleresque tough guy manqué, his I’m-a-BIG-boy-in-the-dictator-club routine isn’t even vaguely interesting anymore—not even from a psych ward, clinical intake point of view. His insult comic schtick is hackneyed, lowbrow, more boring and less coherent than a played out, morphine fueled, late days Lenny Bruce rant/performance. I take that back, even in his worst, most drugged up days Bruce was smarter, better, sharper.

The old, decaying-before-our-eyes, grotesque, orange fraud has become a parody of himself. It’d be funny if he didn’t hold sway over nearly half the country. Okay, his rapidly diminishing, obvious mental and physical decline IS funny.
Flaming June, Sir Frederic Leighton
Trump’s cognitive decline has been notable for years, as he frequently rambles incoherently in a word-association whirlwind of nonsense about sharks, slurring his words, freezing—even forgetting his own son’s name. (source)
It’s obvious to all but his most delusional fans that Donnie Demento is sundowning. He’s still running his tired old game of scaring people with outright lies and incomplete, twisted depictions of reality.
Trump’s senior campaign advisers counter that the mood of the country right now is sour over the economy, the state of the U.S.-Mexico border and turmoil in the Middle East and beyond. They see their candidate as reflecting that reality rather than what they believe is a temporary exuberance igniting the Democratic base after months of discouragement over their ticket.
Trump has tried to harness that with his repeated predictions of stock market crashes and war.
Bad things are going to happen.
There’s no hope, no joy, no future in Trumpville. Also, he’s got the dystopian Project 2025. Meanwhile, Harris and Walz are lifting us up. They’ve got actual plans and strategies to improve regular people’s lives. Yeah, people like you and me versus divorced from reality types like the billionaire buzzards Musk, Zuckerberg and Bezos.

The stupidest, most unqualified and hypocritical house rep, tried to paint von ShitzenPantz as “a force of joy and unity.” Boebert is SO bad at this—she's hilarious! Also, we apparently can’t “match what Trump did in Arizona yesterday.” What might Braindead Barbie be referring too? Was it the utterly crass and supremely awkward way he cut off the police union guy who was backing up his lies? Was it the lies the melting orange ass told? Was it the fact that he used a Foo Fighters song without permission? By the by, that’s biting him in the ass already.
When commenting on the Trump campaign's use of "My Hero," a spokesperson for the band told CBS News on Saturday: "Foo Fighters were not asked permission and if they were, they would have not granted it.”

The spokesperson added that any royalties received as a result of the Trump campaign's use of the song will be donated to the campaign of Vice President Kamala Harris and Gov. Tim Walz. (source)
The bullying rabid weasel shits of Trump’s party of doom are incapable of anything but fear mongering, hate inflaming, racism and misogyny igniting rhetoric and actions.

Me? I’m with The Rude Pundit:
Fuck the buzzkills. I'm thrilled that Harris is running on joy because that's a feeling that sustains you and makes you want to be with others and get shit done.
The presidency is supposed to age the president, not the public.

~ Jon Stewart

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