Sunday, September 22, 2024

Angels in Valhalla

A word/name popped, unbidden, into my head last night—Paracletus. ‘the fuck? What’s this mean—as in, ‘the hell’s this about and why did it come visiting my bean?

Turns out Paracletus, currently, is the name of an album by a French black metal band. This is NOT how I would have heard the word. Why not?
A)  I’m deaf. On the whole music is no longer an angel who visits me.
B)  Even when I had audio I was never into metal.

I consulted my old friend Google.

Paracletus comes from the word Paraclete which comes from the Late Latin word Paraclētus. This means "advocate, comforter.” In turn,
Paraclētus comes from Greek, Paráklētos, "advocate, helper, comforter.” It’s also a name for the Holy Spirit (Gospel of John 14:26).

So, maybe I’m in need of a Paraclete? Possibly I need to just recognize that I already have three awesome ones? Yes, that’d be Ten, Jen and Oni.

About that French black metal album—first off, ‘the fuck is black metal. The “b” in black isn’t capitalized so, I’m guessing black metal is not specifically referring to metal created and performed by Black musicians.

Who put out the album Paracletus? A band named Deathspell Omega.

A highly philosophical experimental black metal band from France, Deathspell Omega, eschew the traditional roles of a rock (or for that matter, a metal) band for something far more mercurial, constantly reinventing their sound and never playing live or setting into stone the exact make-up of the roster. (source)

What is black metal?

Black metal is a heavy metal sub-genre that combines elements of thrash and death metal. The musical style is notable for its transgressive lyrics, powerful instrumentation, and the controversies surrounding some of its most prominent artists. (source)
Which elements of death and thrash metal are found in black metal?

Let's define death metal.
Death metal music is heavy metal – often sped up, overdriven, and focused on trying to convey violence and murder in musical form. It usually features incredibly fast drums and guitar work, guttural vocals that sound like someone trying to imitate a monster, and themes of death, horror or darkness. (source)
Some death metal bands? Cannibal Corpse, Death, Suffocation and Carcass. Never heard of any of them.

What’s thrash metal?

Thrash metal (or simply thrash) is the most aggressive ...strongest sub-genre of heavy metal that is specifically characterized by its the very heaviest rhythms similar to extreme metal, NWOBHM (New Wave of British Heavy Metal), biker metal, speed metal, and hardcore punk in aggressiveness and forcefulness... All thrash metal songs typically use fast, percussive and low-register guitar riffs, overlaid with shredding-style lead work. Thrash song lyrics express nihilistic views or deal with social issues using visceral, gory language, an approach which partially overlaps with the very brutal music. (source)
US groups Metallica, Slayer, Megadeth and Anthrax became known as the Big Four of thrash. I’ve heard of these groups and have probably caught a tune or two by them too. Nothing sticks in my mind though.

Go to this link to find out more about metal’s myriad sub-genres.

Part of the reason I never got into metal of any kind was that, generally, it struck me as silly/stupid and misogynistic. The 1981 flick Heavy Metal certainly drove that impression home.
It's sexist, juvenile, and dated, but Heavy Metal makes up for its flaws with eye-popping animation and a classic, smartly used soundtrack. (source)
By the by, Paraclete is also the name of a “tactical body-armor solutions” company—a division of Point Blank Enterprises. They supply governments, cops and, I imagine, violent right-wing shitheads. 

Somehow, I find it difficult to associate body armor suppliers with comforting angels

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