Friday, February 21, 2025

This and That

Did you know?

There’s now a Luigi Mangione Legal Defense Information site, complete with a Frequently Asked Questions section. You can also get case updates, the latest official statements, there's a contact Luigi and/or his lawyers page, and a contribute to Luigi’s legal defense fund tab.

On the Homepage there’s a message from our hero

"I am overwhelmed by - and grateful for - everyone who has written me to share their stories and express their support. Powerfully, this support has transcended political, racial, and even class divisions, as mail has flooded MDC from across the country, and around the globe. While it is impossible for me to reply to most letters, please know that I read every one that I receive. Thank you again to everyone who took the time to write. I look forward to hearing more in the future."
.B: On the FAQs page there’s the question “can I send Luigi photos?” The answer is yes but, at the end, his lawyers add “Please note that every photo that is received is screened and reviewed by law enforcement.”

How much you wanna bet that Luigi’s getting a shit-ton of nudies?
Funny how we haven’t heard a peep out of La Gargoyle since Coke JR dumped her for a younger, richer chicita. Wasn’t it kind of Cokey’s dad to get rid of his kid’s discarded toy by sending her off to Greece to be an “ambassador?” This is the same Greece that the plastic surgery addicted, aging-without-a-speck-of-dignity Fox “News” host dissed, just ten years ago, like the idiot high school mean girl she is.

The Greeks, she said, were “freeloaders” who needed to be punished like an untrained pet.

“Get up in the morning. Go to work. You guys are retiring too early and that’s part of the problem,” she said.

“You have, like, politicians making out-of-control promises, buying votes with entitlements that they can’t support.”

“I mean, nobody likes freeloaders,” she added. “It doesn’t matter if you made great yogurt. I don’t care.”
Guilfoyle concluded by saying “nobody is punishing them” like when a “dog pees on the rug.”

What a charmer.

Somehow, and I don’t think this is a stretch, it doesn’t look like La Gargoyle has the skills, aptitude or base level intelligence to be an ambassador to her own toilet let alone Greece.
Emotionally sourced produce? Found on Threads.
Who’s riding on Prez Musk’s democracy killing DOGE bus:

Traitor Tots
  • Stephen Duarte, 32, a Human Resources drone.
  • Stephen Ehikian, 43, a real estate paper pusher.
  • Justin Fulcher, 32, another HR weasel.
  •  Greg Hogan, 42, whose been named in a lawsuit by a group of federal workers over OPM’s creation of a new email system that they claim is insecure. 
  • Noah Peters, 39, a lawyer with ties to the constitution assassinating Heritage Foundation.

Oh and let’s not forget the child coders—NOT forensic accountants—who now have access to our social security info.

That human-shaped rectal polyp Musk is going after the very institutions that would serve as a check on his business empire. So much for transparency, eh?

Go to the link to see the more of Musk/Putin’s wrecking ball crew.
Did you know that Dionne Warwick and Whitney Houston were first cousins? The pipes run strong in that family, eh?
Hey! Have you heard, it’s FRIDAY!

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