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Wednesday, May 28, 2014

The Village Idiot

John McCain brought out TWO VILLAGE IDIOTS and they're still hustling the American public... what a legacy!
This comment was made to a post on The Daily Kos about, specifically, that slug shitstain of a human being Sam Wurzelbacher and his staggeringly vile, mindbogglingly stupid, empathy devoid response to the recently murdered Chris Martinez’s grieving father. Seems the suffering father, Richard, upset Asshole Boy by demanding sensible gun legislation.

What’d Sam the Human Slug Trail say?
Amongst other things:
As harsh as this sounds – your dead kids don’t trump my Constitutional rights.
Wurzelbacher said the words of Richard Martinez, whose son Christopher Martinez was a victim in Friday's incident, "will be exploited by gun-grab extremists as are all tragedies involving gun violence and the mentally ill by the anti-Second Amendment Left."
Gee, Fart Face, paranoid much? How’s it feel to be a puppet for the NRA? Oh and, by the way, your leash is showing.

I bet he thought he was being all smart, diplomatic and caring when he prefaced his response to Chris Martinez’s grieving father’s statement with ‘as harsh as this sounds...’

Yeah ass-wipe, that was wicked tender of you, you dino brained, bald homunculus.

I’d, mere moments before reading the dkos piece, thought ‘I blame McCain.’ He gave us Harridan Grifter Barbie AND Joe not-actually-a Plumber — two imbeciles who for some unfathomable reason (by me anyway) seem able to whip up the low information, easily manipulated, desperately insecure, paranoid and prejudiced of our population with their astounding lies, distortions and damn lies.

Joe the brain-dead Motherfucker, amongst so many, can’t seem to get it through his shriveled, empty, useless skull that NO, no one is coming after his fucking guns or anyone else’s. What we want is some sane management.

Guns should be regulated JUST like any other potentially deadly thing.  Cars are registered and drivers are trained and licensed. Why not guns? Really — why not!

We all have to pass a driving test before we can pilot three and a half tons of steel down the highway at 70 miles an hour. Why not test gun folk for shooting proficiency and safety knowledge? Really — why wouldn't we! Makes a shit-ton of sense, does it not?

And what about background checks?
Mandated by the Brady Handgun Violence Prevention Act of 1993, the National Instant Criminal Background Check System:
Before ringing up the sale, cashiers (are to) call in a check to the FBI or to other designated agencies to ensure that each customer does not have a criminal record or isn’t otherwise ineligible to make a purchase.
Great. BUT if the buyer doesn’t have a record or his mental instability hasn’t been obviously, officially, radically red flagged, the sale’s a done deal.

and then there are those big fat gaping loopholes:
When Zina Haughton, 42, got a restraining order against her husband, Radcliffe, last October — she told a court that his threats “terrorize my every waking moment” — he became ineligible to buy a gun under federal law. But he found a way around that: he bought a gun from a private seller he found on the Internet who, unlike federally licensed dealers, was not legally required to check his background.

That is how Mr. Haughton was able to buy a handgun for $500 in the parking lot of a McDonalds that he took with him on Oct. 21 to the spa in a suburb of Milwaukee where his wife worked. There, Mr. Haughton opened fire at the spa’s pedicure station, law enforcement officials said, and kept shooting until he had killed his wife and two women she worked with and injured four other women.
 Also too, assault rifles should be flat out banned. Their only purpose is to kill and do it big and broad. If you need this kind of weaponry to go after deer or pheasants or squirrels, well boyhowdy my friend, you need to find yourself another hobby. Hunting’s just not in your skill set.

As of May of last year, 2013, the number of people killed since the December 14, 2012 massacre at Sandy Hook Elementary in Connecticut was 4,499. That’s 4,499 PEOPLE dead in one year from guns. Souls. Loved ones. In ONE year. I suppose that number’s doubled now.

In contrast, the number of U.S. armed forces killed during the Iraq war was 4,409.
Huh. Waddya know. Apparently a war zone is safer than living in gun-drunk America. Thanks NRA.
A new study published in the American Journal of Public Health on Thursday has found a “robust” relationship between rates of gun ownership and firearm homicide, challenging the National Rifle Association’s assertion that more registered guns equal fewer firearm-related deaths.
No one says it better than Mister Charles Pierce:
This is a country at war with itself for profit. This is a country at war with itself because its ruling elite is too cowed, or too well-bribed, or too cowardly to recognize that there are people who are getting rich arming both sides, because the only thing that stops a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun, so you make sure that it's easy for the bad guys to get guns in order to make millions selling the guns to the good guys.
That is what has come home to roost now. This is a country at war with itself because cynical people have told its citizens that their fellow citizens - all of them, because you can never tell, can you? -- are the enemy.  This is a country in which citizens make war on each other because that's what they are being encouraged to do.  
Go read the whole thing. Please, it’s worth it.

And finally, if you’ve not read TBogg’s piece, I was the NRA, please do so — it’s beautiful and sad and important. He talks of being raised in a family who hunted and fished as a way to feed the family and how horribly and hugely things have changed.

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