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Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Three Years On

Earlier today I reposted Jenny Jones' beautiful, sensible, smart, poetic observations and contemplations on the border crossers, the refugees, the so called “illegals.” The original post is from November of 2011.

Here are her observations today.
 I got to thinking about all that has happened in the last three years, surrounding this issue.

Unfortunately, not enough. I, personally, have learned a lot more about how US foreign policy and drug laws are the direct cause of much of the poverty and violence that exists in South American countries today.

 I have learned the difference between "undocumented" and "illegal". It is not illegal to be human and want safety and security for your family.

In Arizona, SB 1070, the "Papers, Please" law has been enacted and parts of it struck down.

 I have participated in rallies, and met good and brave people, fighting for "legal" status in a country they have known as home since they can remember. Local activists (documented and undocumented), like the Puente Human Rights Movement, have put their lives and their families at risk, to stand up for good people who are forced to live in the shadows, and are demonized by far right politicians as leaches and criminals.

Check out Network Nuns on the bus!
The Dream Act has given temporary refuge to undocumented youth, who know nothing other than life in the US, and want nothing more than to be allowed to live, work, and raise their families in this great country. Yet, we continue to tear families apart and deport good, hard working people. President Obama's promises of immigration reform have evaporated, as he steps up the deportation process and politicians on both sides use the issue to pander to the voters.

Individuals, like Dennis Gilman give of their time and talent, to document the injustices perpetrated by our society and tell their stories. Churches, like the University Presbyterian Church in Tempe, and other people of faith, are standing up to the moral injustice of our broken immigration system, and providing sanctuary to families who are threatened to be torn apart.

 As Donna says, this issue is as relevant today as it was three years ago. I would say that it is even more so today.
Pa a northern city
I went to work
I left my life
Between Ceuta and Gibraltar
I am a line in the sea
Ghost in the city
My life is prohibited  
 ~Manu Chao, Clandestino
Jenny Jones is a wife, mother, grandmother, daughter, full time job working citizen and a fabulous friend. I'm fortunate to count her as one of my closest amici.

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