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Tuesday, January 9, 2018

What's Going On

“I went from VERY successful businessman, to top T.V. Star to President of the United States (on my first try). I think that would qualify as not smart, but genius....and a very stable genius at that!” (source)

Way to prove Wolff’s thesis, man!
A) You come from major wealth which cushioned the fall from your many, many failures. If daddy hadn't bankrolled you, you'd have been living in the streets by now.
B) You ran for Prez in 2000. You forgot? Maybe it’s time for your Executive nap? You might remember more after that.

While the Orange Psycho Puff continues to flaunt his profound mentally instability, what obscenities are Republicans attempting to pull off?

Energy Secretary and all around dimwitted prick, Rick Perry tried (and thankfully failed) to give a giant handout to coal and nuclear power plants. He wanted to change the rules so they’d have a BIG advantage over solar, wind and natural gas providers. Essentially torpedoing renewable energy source businesses.
“His focus is clearly coal and there are a lot of dirty coal plants that are not competitive in today’s energy markets,” Elizabeth Moler, a former FERC chairwoman, former deputy energy secretary and former Exelon executive, said in an interview. “To me he’s effectively proposing to subsidize them and put a tax on consumers in doing so. It’s a tax in different clothing. It’s going to cost customers more money to run dirty old coal plants.” (source)
Half of Puerto Rico is still without power and Trump and his Republicans really aren’t too concerned. Trumpie, you’re doing a heck of a job!
The key to understanding the Trump administration’s approach to policy, it seems, is to look at what most Americans want and then imagine the opposite. (source)
Jeff Sessions (AKA the Keebler Elf) wants weed to be illegal. Reality be damned! Also too, he’d like it to be 1955 again, thank you.

AND the Orange Menace’s racist and servile toadstools have stepped up to the plate. Kansas State Rep. Steve Alford (R, OF course!) is having Reefer Madness orgasms.
“One of the reasons why, I hate to say it, was that the African-Americans, they were basically users and they basically responded the worst off to those drugs just because of their character makeup, their genetics and that.” (source)
Salvadorans, some who have lived here for 15 years and more, saw their temporary protected status program as a station in their path to residency have been thrown under the bus. Republicans don’t care though. Of course not – these folks are brown and *GASP* NOT wealthy!

Southern Cal folk aren’t catching a break. After the devastating fires come the rains.
Thousands of Southern Californians were ordered to evacuate Monday amid fears that heavy rainfall could trigger mudslides in regions charred by wildfires. (source)
Do Trump and his vile, callous Republican crew care? Will there be any assists? Doubt it – California went for Hillary don'cha know.

It's morning in Republican America and I already need a drink AND a cupcake.
What's Going On – Marvin Gaye


  1. Even being as generous as I can be with these guys, I just don't understand what audience they're playing to. Some of these decisions boggle the mind...

    1. I think they're playing both to their low info, racist fans as well as their BIG money donors who don't give a good fuck about anyone else but themselves.

      It's all theater for them. IMHO that is.

    2. Prepping for a first of the year shopping spree I found in the freezer fresh! Oregon berries: both black and salmon (huckle never make it out of the patch), the former 2015 from a patch up in the lava flows on the Old McKenzie pass and the later 2016 near the old Stamper place just a couple miles this side of the coast. On the morrow's morn there will be toasted muffins, slathered in Cloverdale butter and dripping with home harvested honey. When the kids ask I'll just smile a secret smile, and pretend I can't hear them.

    3. That sounds just FABULOUS! I'm SO envious of your kids brill breakfast.
