How did the confluence of this particular day of the week and the number 13 come to have such a scary-ass bad rap?
Was it that Jesus dude?
According to biblical tradition, 13 guests attended the Last Supper, held on Maundy Thursday, including Jesus and his 12 apostles (one of whom, Judas, betrayed him). The next day, of course, was Good Friday, the day of Jesus’ crucifixion. (source)Mebbe it was those mysterious Templars?
On Friday, October 13, 1307, officers of King Philip IV of France arrested hundreds of the Knights Templar, a powerful religious and military order formed in the 12th century for the defense of the Holy Land.OUCH – that'd do it eh? But, rilly, who knows?
Imprisoned on charges of various illegal behaviors (but really because the king wanted access to their financial resources), many Templars were later executed. (source)
I don’t think today will be a very lucky day for 45. There’s the revelation that his:
...personal attorney Michael D. Cohen sometimes taped conversations with associates, according to three people familiar with his practice, and allies of the president are worried that the recordings were seized by federal investigators in a raid of Cohen’s office and residences this week. (source)

“If you are looking for evidence, you can’t do any better than people talking on tape,” said Nick Akerman, a former Watergate prosecutor.Oh and Comey’s tell all is due out on Tuesday. The advance media blitz has begun. A few juicy snippets have been released, such as:
- Trump asked Comey to look into the golden shower allegations – the pee tape. He was very concerned that Melania might believe them to be true. Hmmm, why would the wife believe the claims? Could it be that the story is consistent with what she already knows about that ugly pile ‘o’ bucks she married? COULD BE!
- Comey talks about The Fraud of Fifth Avenue's Mafioso-esque demands for titanium clad loyalty.
- And, of course, he hits on that obscene example of humanity’s clown look.
“His face appeared slightly orange, with bright white half-moons under his eyes where I assume he placed small tanning goggles, and impressively coiffed, bright blond hair, which on close inspection looked to be all his. I remember wondering how long it must take him in the morning to get that done.” (source)There’s more. It goes beyond Spanky’s tawdry, salacious and mobstery bits. Dunno that I’ll buy the book but I’m certainly looking forward to all the revelations.
Popcorn. I gotta run out and buy popcorn!
Superstition – Stevie Wonder
I didn't have a very good Friday the 13th. I tripped over a black cat crossing my path and fell under a ladder, causing my lucky rabbit's foot to crush my four-leaf clover against the cross I carry to ward off vampires. Must have been because Pluto was in Sagittarius or something.
ReplyDeleteIt's funny how these things get started. In China the number four is considered unlucky, which is traceable to the fact that the word for "four" sounds like the word for "death". Some hospitals don't have a fourth floor because it would sound like "death floor".
Trump may be hurt more by his bombing of Syria. His supporters will easily dismiss Comey as just another part of the vast anti-Trump conspiracy, but a lot of them voted for him because they thought he would avoid foreign entanglements.
I'm not surprised but still scared about what 45's dog wagging will bring about.
DeleteSaw this on Matt Oswalt's Twitter feed this morning. It gave me a chuckle and those are in short supply:
SYRIAN CHILD: Father, why does Syria bomb its own people?
SYRIAN DAD: Because sometimes evil cannot be stopped
SYRIAN CHILD: Father, why does America bomb us?
SYRIAN DAD: Because sometimes porn stars remind you of your daughter