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Friday, June 29, 2018

Seemingly Unending Hell

This is gonna keep happening.

It’s too late to gag the insane toddler in chief who openly encourages his gun humping minions to act out the violence he’s too privileged, gold plated and prosecution fearing to do himself.

The weasels are out of the bag. They’ve infected the dimmest, lowest, gun-is-my-soul citizens.
Milo Yiannopoulos has started issuing reporters threatening messages when asked to comment for stories.

“I can’t wait for the vigilante squads to start gunning journalists down on sight,” the right-wing nationalist told Observer over text message... (source)
Well Milo, you blindingly blockheaded, despicable little hate monster, you got what you asked for. Happy now? I hope you’re deported post-haste (though being jailed would be a more apt fate) but, in 45’s fascist U.S., you’ll probably, instead, get a medal. 

That irredeemably repellent, talking troll, Hannity, has already given himself, Yiannopoulos, Trump and the rest a pass, of course. He’s, predictably, blaming the massacre on Maxine Waters. Yeah, the black chick. Quelle surprise!!!

Congressman Waters has been facing death threats. Why? For the crime of telling people to stand up, to rise up and not accept the bullying, racist rabid horseshit and unrelenting lies of the Republican government. She says we’ve got to demand our legislators represent ALL of us, not just rich, white, bigoted men AND we gotta make sure the officials, elected and not, know that their actions will not be blithely, submissively accepted.
“The American people have put up with this president long enough. What more do we need to see? What more lies do we need to hear?” Waters shouted at a rally in Los Angeles on Saturday. “If you see anybody from that Cabinet in a restaurant, in a department store, at a gasoline station, you get out and you create a crowd, and you push back on them!” (source)
Unlike the savage, murderous Right, we on the Left are non-violent. It's called CIVIL disobedience. Protesting the atrocities, telling the Liar in Chief's mouthpiece she's unwelcome in a restaurant – these are CIVILIZED acts.

Civil NOT servile. Don't confuse the two, K?

Amongst the five murdered journos is Carl Hiaasen’s brother Rob.
Rob and Carl Hiaasen
I am devastated and heartsick to confirm the loss of my wonderful brother Rob today in the mass shooting in the newsroom at the Annapolis Capital Gazette. Rob was an editor and columnist at the paper, and one of the most gentle and funny people I've ever known. He spent his whole gifted career as a journalist, and he believed profoundly in the craft and mission of serving the public's right to know the news.
We called him Big Rob because he was so tall, but it was his remarkable heart and humor that made him larger than all of us.
Please keep our family in your thoughts and prayers tonight. 
Hug your loved ones like there's no tomorrow. (source)
Banksy, The Flower Thrower
John Pavlovitz summed the right wing’s completely disingenuous, hypocrisy riddled, bullshit call for civility in one neat post. Go read, it’s well worth it.

Steve M. at No More Mister Nice Blog asks:
 Why is it only a crisis when the people who are being attacked fight back? 
He also advises us all to smartly work the refs. We should be asking the scolds why it’s OK, by them, for Republicans to spew and sanction hate but not cool, not civilized when we peacefully resist, when we say NO, this is not OK.

The “right” and their enablers are spoiling for an rabidly uncivil war. Perhaps we're already in the midst of it.
There have been times that I thought I couldn't last for long
But now I think I'm able to carry on
It's been a long, a long time coming
But I know a change is gonna come, oh yes it will
~Sam Cooke, A Change is Gonna Come


  1. The only way to stop a bully is to bust him one right in the mouth.

    We have the right to defend ourselves.

    1. Yes, YES!

      Doyin Richards has an excellent post up on his ShoutyFace page. It starts like this:
      When I was in Jr. High School, a kid repeatedly pushed me up against lockers, slapped me on the head, and called me "crowbar" because I was black and thin.

      One day I hugged him and kindly asked why he felt such animosity towards me. The bullying stopped almost immediately.

      Just kidding.

      One day I punched him in the face. *Then* the bullying stopped.

      We're not going to get through these dark times by being nice. I've encountered thousands of racists in my lifetime. Being civil to them has a 0% success rate.

      Toddlers are in cages, racists are more emboldened than ever, our democracy is crumbling before our eyes and we want to be nice to the people who allowed it?

      FUCK that.

    2. Agreed, Donna. It's time to kick some ass!
