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Sunday, July 8, 2018

Rage Fatigue and Purr Therapy

Our hungry Umlaut
Sleeping Beauty
It’s been a rough week in Cat World. The constant, sporadic, syncopated bang, bang, bang of amateur fireworks combined with the absolutely oppressive heat had Umlaut and Ghost Cat mostly in hiding. They’ve popped up once or twice and seem fine if a little thin.

Coco’s been doing not much more than laying in the front window. she wasn’t coming upstairs to our bedroom at all. Nope. The kitten just does not like AC. Me? I can’t deal with heat. I melt. Seriously!

Last night though, temps zoomed down to a beautiful 70ยบ and my purr machine came to bed. She rested on my chest, rumbling with peace and happiness. Christ I needed that.

I need to know, when a person (moi fer instance) has Rage Fatigue, are they numb – no longer able to feel fury over the Republican authored crimes, the atrocities, the belligerent disregard for humanity, wildlife and the entire bloody planet? If that’s the case, I’m not there yet. Mind you, I’m tired as all fucking hell. Fibber McWhopper’s constant stream of obfuscations, insults and deceits; his requests for violence from his most hateful and savage marks – especially as the body count grows, are wearing me down. I desperately need a day off – a day of nothing but good news, fluffy, happy kittens and lovely, peaceful sea breezes.

I read the news yesterday, oh boy.
An early morning tweet by tweet by Steve Marmel summed it up:
Kids detained in a hot phoenix office building
Grandmother arrested trying to bring toys to imprisoned toddlers 
North Korea talks failing (duh)
Jim Jordan blaming victims
Florida politician mocks Parkland father whose daughter died.
This administration’s heinous and catastrophic  human rights abuses, sanctioned by the rest of the Republican Party, mirror Venezuela’s, Yemen's , China’s and Russia’s. America's now a full member of the No Respect for Life Club. I'm just so proud. Aren't you? What, no?!

I only mention it but, ICE should be eliminated. ANYONE and everyone who enforces 45s monstrous dictates deserves unemployment and humiliation. At least! For that matter, Haterific Pep Rally attenders who cheer Fat Spray-Tan Hitler's fever swamp, racist ravings and calls for violence? They deserve the same.

Rob Rogers
I'm rooting for insanity to soon end and the commencement of Nuremberg type trials.

Some good news:
On Tuesday night, just after completing a roundup of more than 150 suspected undocumented immigrants, U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement said it could have arrested more but for the actions of one person: Mayor Libby Schaaf of Oakland, Calif. 
Schaaf learned of the Northern California ICE enforcement operation before it kicked off on Sunday and, in a controversial move, warned the immigrant community ahead of time. (source)
Thomas Homan, ICE’s acting director and architect of these very Brownshirt-y type raids is NOT happy the Mayor’s raining on his Stormtrooper-y parade. Ohhhhh, poor, sad boy!

My heroes this week include Mayor Libby Schaaf, Rep. Maxine Waters and the ACLU (as usual).

A friend recently asked:
Is it possible to invalidate everything that stemmed from the Trump administration since his election was aided by a foreign power and since he is beholden to that foreign power?
I'm hoping! 'scuse me, I need more Coco purr action now.


  1. If it is possible to invalidate everything a President has done, we might know soon enough because President Trump appears hellbent on reversing everything his predecessor did.

    I more or less flamed out a couple weeks ago on the politics thing. It was clearly taking a toll on my mental fitness and I had to take a step back. Maybe I should stay stepped back for a while.

    I'm sure that delights some people - "Oh, are you triggered? Are you crying?" - but yeah, when the values I care about are all being snuffed out all around me, I react.

    Things haven't gotten as dark as they're going to get yet. I sort of wish we could jump to the end, where it starts to get light again.

    1. Yeah, I want to jump to the end too. I'm mega eager to start the repair work and SO damn much will be needed.

      A dear friend reminded me of something Emma Goldman said (in response to being criticized for insufficient seriousness) “If I Can't Dance, I Don't Want To Be Part of Your Revolution.” Dancing, metaphorical and otherwise, is necessary.
