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Sunday, October 14, 2018

Weaving Time

My unrepentant girl
Huh. The heat’s on – possibly the first time this year. Nice – this means that summer is finally past. It’s been a scary warm autumn. I know that one of these years soon, it’ll be January before I put away my shorts and tanks and NOT because I’m a New Englander and that’s just how we roll either. Climate Change – it's already kickin'our ass.

Just FYI, the heat’s entrée does not make my cozy cottage wicked warm and toasty. Nope, I keep the furnace mega low to, ya know, saves the buckos and such. I can always put on a sweater and throw another blanket on the rack.

The finally-here chilly temps have been effecting my little princess. She’s been pulling Houdini acts on the regular. I’ve been lucky that, until Friday evening, Jen’s been home to zoom out and capture her.

Houdini at rest
Yes, I AM careful when I open that oh-so-tempting front door – I look around to make sure she’s nowhere near. Doesn’t matter. I swear Coco’s capable of teleportation. In yesterday big escape, I lamped our kitten sitting on the other side of the living room before opening the door to dump cans in the recycle bin.

*BOOM* She was out and on the run.

I can’t run and  leap after her anymore. I move slow. She doesn’t. Plus she’s a slippery character – able to wriggle free of my grasp like she’s coated in EVOO.

Good (GREAT!) neighbor Andrea, heard me calling for Coco, saw me wandering the street and came out to help me track down my little B&E (exiting not entering) artist. The bad kitten’s adventure came to an end when we managed to corner her under Oni’s tomato plants.


The whole shebang probably only went on for 45 minutes BUT…lemme just tell you, that was a scary-ass three quarters of an hour. Coco’s my buddy, my housemate, my furry Valium. She’s still here after The Amazing Bob AND Rocco’s unceremonious, illin’ exits. I had visions of finding her run over by a car, chewed up by some rando fox, lost and scared, hiding somewhere I couldn’t find her. Yeah, me and panic – we were tight. I’m SO not ready to lose her/for her to go over the rainbow.

Yeah, I never will be. Duh!
Madison, at left, as a wee, preteen tot!

It’s strange being alone in the house (with Jen and Oni away). Yeah, the cats are here and, OK, my friendly, helpful neighbors are just steps away. Still, I’m used to a full house – TAB in his big Poppa chair reading or watching cowboy movies with Coco on his lap, Rocco sitting in the window being all aloof, Jen and Oni just five feet away cooking up some awesomeness in their kitchen, plus their herd of furry beasts.

In the last two years my beautiful man and three of our cats took their final bows. I’m not rockin’ the grief 24/7 anymore but I’m still adjusting. Of course I am. I’m a motherfucking human last time I checked.

Jen and Oni will be home tonight. I will, on the other hand, be in Central Mass. with Helen e famiglia celebrating my wonderful grand, Madison’s 13th (!!!) birthday. Damn! Our girl's a teenager! She's taller than me now. Shit's getting real here.

Hazy Shade of Winter – The Bangles

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