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Saturday, November 17, 2018

I have an idea!

Doc Coumans was just in to check on me. The good news is that recovery’s going gang busters. The bad news—I can’t go home until me pain’s “under control.” Yeah ok I can dig it.

While he was here I told him of this great recovery idea I just had. I think this shit would be much less painful if I could float in one of those tubes like in the movie Alien Resurrection. Sadly he had not seen the movie but I think he saw the beauty of the concept.

Makes mondo sense, don’t it!

AND.... I’m stuck here for another day. Whoopeee!


  1. I don't care what anyone says, that was a cool movie.

    I think the challenge is more the floating part than the tube part. Still, I suppose it fits, even if you had your thoracic "monsters" removed rather than having them burst out of your chest on their own.

    Sounds like you're doing well. Best wishes for continued recovery.

    1. I LOVED that movie! In fact,I think it may be a good flick to buoy my recovery.

      Also too, thank you!

  2. Insurance probably doesn't cover embryonic recovery tubes.
