The papers are already ginning up the tired Dems in Disarray shtick.
Right this minute, I’m leaning toward Kamala Harris but, fer fuck’s sake, it’s early days yet. In addition to Harris, Pete Buttigieg, Julian Castro, Kirsten Gillibrand, Tulsi Gabbard and Elizabeth Warren have all def declared they’re running. Cory Booker will likely throw his chapeau in the ring too. There’s a whole raft of maybe/maybe nots out there too. I wanna know more about each person's record and their intentions before getting all fixed. In general though, for the primary, I'm solidly into candidates who are 60 or younger and progressive (natch!). In the general? No fool /Purity Posse player me, I'll vote for the Democratic candidate.
Starbuck’s former CEO is thinking about running as an Independent. Don’t do it Howie! You’ll lose and, thereafter, be the most hated man for giving us another scandal-a-day four years of Comrade Chaos and his KKK Band. RILLY!
On top of that, we do NOT need another billionaire CEO president with NO government experience and a solid lack of understanding of people like you and me. The first biz prez – G Dub Bush-league? DO recall his astoundingly FAILED MBA/CEO presidency. Then there’s the current billionaire CEO in the WH. President Gas Station Urinal Cake (one of Shower Cap's brill names for him) seems to have thought GW’s spectacular incompetence was a height to reach and exceed. “Bush was horrendously incompetent and despised? Hold my beer.” Possibly this is his despicable life’s only unassailable "success."
The country canNOT be run like a business (especially NOT like one of the Tangerine Twat’s bankrupt enterprises). We’re citizens NOT replaceable, down-sizable, eliminate-able and stiff-able employees. Ya hear that Mittsy?
Schultz has talked about the US debt and deficit – these are big and he’s named them as his priority. Us citizens though – the one’s who would be paying his salary? We’re more into the economy, healthcare, education and helping the poor and needy. The deficit and debt? Down at the bottom of the list.
Maybe it’s just me (doubt it!) BUT climate change, stone equality for all, gun control and prosecuting the shit out of domestic terrorists are way up there on my Big Concerns list too.
Oh and while I’m wishing on stars – tax the rich dammit. They won’t notice an increase on their over-$10 mill incomes. AND start taxing the big “christian” mega churches who are clearly NOT feeding the poor or actively loving their neighbors (all of em, not just the white, het ones!) OR caring for the disadvantaged and/or sick.
“God’s” big business. Too big.
The lack of commitment on the Democratic side comes as Trump appears vulnerable to defeat in a 2020 general election and perhaps even to a challenge from within the Republican Party. (source)OH PUH-LEEZE! I have to know who I’m gonna vote for NOW? I get it. It’s in the media’s interests to set up a mega nail-biting, possibly cat fighting, messy as hell primary and 2020 election. Just FY-fucking-I, Democracy and the Super Bowl? NOT the same thing.
Right this minute, I’m leaning toward Kamala Harris but, fer fuck’s sake, it’s early days yet. In addition to Harris, Pete Buttigieg, Julian Castro, Kirsten Gillibrand, Tulsi Gabbard and Elizabeth Warren have all def declared they’re running. Cory Booker will likely throw his chapeau in the ring too. There’s a whole raft of maybe/maybe nots out there too. I wanna know more about each person's record and their intentions before getting all fixed. In general though, for the primary, I'm solidly into candidates who are 60 or younger and progressive (natch!). In the general? No fool /Purity Posse player me, I'll vote for the Democratic candidate.
Starbuck’s former CEO is thinking about running as an Independent. Don’t do it Howie! You’ll lose and, thereafter, be the most hated man for giving us another scandal-a-day four years of Comrade Chaos and his KKK Band. RILLY!
On top of that, we do NOT need another billionaire CEO president with NO government experience and a solid lack of understanding of people like you and me. The first biz prez – G Dub Bush-league? DO recall his astoundingly FAILED MBA/CEO presidency. Then there’s the current billionaire CEO in the WH. President Gas Station Urinal Cake (one of Shower Cap's brill names for him) seems to have thought GW’s spectacular incompetence was a height to reach and exceed. “Bush was horrendously incompetent and despised? Hold my beer.” Possibly this is his despicable life’s only unassailable "success."

Schultz has talked about the US debt and deficit – these are big and he’s named them as his priority. Us citizens though – the one’s who would be paying his salary? We’re more into the economy, healthcare, education and helping the poor and needy. The deficit and debt? Down at the bottom of the list.
Maybe it’s just me (doubt it!) BUT climate change, stone equality for all, gun control and prosecuting the shit out of domestic terrorists are way up there on my Big Concerns list too.
Oh and while I’m wishing on stars – tax the rich dammit. They won’t notice an increase on their over-$10 mill incomes. AND start taxing the big “christian” mega churches who are clearly NOT feeding the poor or actively loving their neighbors (all of em, not just the white, het ones!) OR caring for the disadvantaged and/or sick.
“God’s” big business. Too big.
To me, it's not a controversial or partisan statement to say, "Government should NOT be run like a business!"
ReplyDeleteFor starters, even the most small government corporate capitalist would agree that government takes on those tasks that business will not or cannot do.
Ross Perot started saying this crap back in 1992 and somehow, it gets repeated now without anyone thinking very deeply about it.
Sgt Schultz: sees nothing, knows nothing.