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Wednesday, December 30, 2015

The Purity Posse

And then there’s the Purity Brigades. I’ve a few chums who hover close to or are flat out down with the Firebagger crowd.

One recently posted a mash up pic of Trump and Clinton. It was disgusting, WRONG and, if you honestly believe that Clinton isn't any different from Trump, you’ve not been reading anyone but H. A. Goodman.

Just FYI, from the New York Times:
Hillary Rodham Clinton is a liberal Democrat on domestic matters, and Bernie Sanders is a socialist. They voted the same way 93 percent of the time in the two years they shared in the Senate.
In fact, from January 2007 to January 2009, Mrs. Clinton, representing New York, voted with Mr. Sanders about as often as she did with the like-minded Democrats Ron Wyden of Oregon and Barbara Mikulski of Maryland.
You've mebbe seen that viral graphic which refutes this. PunditFact has the full skinny and it's well worth a full read.  Go—I'll still be here when you get back. Yes Sanders is farther to the left and yes, I like him a lot BUT...far too many in the Sanders camp falsely demonize and smear Clinton while they're deifying their man. As Jim Wright of Stonekettle Station said: I like your Bernie, I don't like your Bernie Supporters. Not all Sandernistas are like this mind you.

 We don’t have the luxury of time. We can't go through another eight years of a Bush/Cheney reign of error and terror. Have you listened to what Trump, Rubio, Cruz and the like want to do, how they’d 'govern?' We can't burn down the U.S. to save it and immolating the country, for even the rich, is just what those bastards would do.

The pious, more-true-to-the-cause-than-you crew just kill me with their black and white thinking, the eschewing of inconvenient realities, the cherry picking and twisting of Clinton's long public career and the seeming total lack of understanding of what's truly at stake here—the Supreme Court, women's rights, the environment, affordable healthcare and the list goes on. It's the most vulnerable amongst us who will pay the price for their act of immaculateness.

I suppose all that's easy to toss aside if one is any or all of the following:
  1. White and male
  2. Healthy
  3. Financially secure
  4. Living in a fairy tale universe where you’re the shadowing freedom fighter in the movie V.
These are lefties—just like me! Right? We should be comrades in arms—si? No. No, not at all.

A friend’s husband is a reformed Firebagger but remains firmly in the ranks of the Purity Posse. Nothing I do or say is ever correct enough or sufficiently in line with proper left thinking. He’s set himself up as high judge and everything out of my mouth is subject to rigorous vetting and sneers. Always with the sneers. Believe me when I say this, NOTHING, no matter how backed up with honest to Bast fact, is ever gonna clear his sky high unsullied, stainless prog hurdle. In fact, even on points and people on which he might agree with someone else, he’ll takes the opposing view if uttered by moi.

OK, You know, it occurs to me that this particular social justice warrior:
1. Perhaps has some emotional probs.
2. Could be he harbors a radical dislike for yurs truly—me. I KNOW, incredible, eh?
3. The less annoying route—avoiding me—isn’t, maybe, completely possible. This undoubtedly add fuel to fires one and two.
As for the others warriors? Eh, we don’t get into it. This particular friend’s mate has thoroughly burned me for engaging in meaningful exchanges with anyone in Extreme Leftistan. Like Teabaggers, they don’t discuss. They don’t engage so much as throw flaming sacks of unicorn poo at those of us who disagree.

Too messy.
It all goes back to one simple fact: If liberals don’t want to get behind whomever is the Democratic candidate for president in 2016, then a Republican is going to occupy the White House after President Obama. This isn’t me trying to sensationalize anything or using hyperbole, I’m just telling you the truth.~Allen Clifton

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