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Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Yurt Central

Ya know, despite getting well up into the 80s yesterday afternoon it was crisply cold this morning. Sure, that was refreshing BUT it didn't inspire me to leap up outta bed in the pre-dawn hours. If not for the call of the wild kidneys, I wouldn't have.

At home, a scant 160 miles south, the August nighttime temps may drop low enough to sleep without the AC but there'll be NO cozying down with wool blankets and comforters for another couple months.

Yesterday, Ten and I took a walk around the environs. We met some of the closest neighbors and just generally enjoyed the magnificence of the area. We also motored up to Montpelier to hit some of the awesome used booktores.

What more could I possibly want? Goat and cow-shaped cats, thick green woods AND books! We'll be back in October – do some leaf peeping, I'll be more prepared for cold nights (flannels and socks!) plus I'll  bring treats for the neighbors. Goats and cows like Friskies Party Mix treats, right?