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Monday, September 23, 2019

Bits and Pieces

It never fails. We zoom into mid-September with its crisp cool, gotta-put-a-blanket-on-the-bed nights. I stow the AC in the deep, dark depths of the closet and then *BAM* Indian Summer comes to visit, bringing hot, sweaty, sleepless nights.

Why is this rudely inconsistent climate quirk called “Indian Summer?” No one knows though there are a mess ‘o’ guesses. The Farmer’s Almanac had the most interesting, imagination sparking possibility:
Some say it comes from the early Algonquian Native Americans, who believed that the condition was caused by a warm wind sent from the court of their southwestern god, Cautantowwit.
And, OK, we’re not actually experiencing Indian Summer – haven’t had the first frost, don’cha know. Still I’m bloody well tired of the damn heat!

Will I go through all the heavy lifting, taping and furniture shifting about to put the damn thing back in the window for just one measly night (night temps should fall back into the 50s by tomorrow) OR will I just stick a thousand fans in the windows?
One Hot Mess has a post up, Born At The Right Time. For those of us without green thumbs, withOUT the ability to catch, skin and bone our own fish and no discernible kitchen skills.THIS really is the right time. Hells bells, I can pick up sushi at my local Stop and Shop. If I had to roll those fiddly bits of veg, rice and seaweed together myself, I’d never eat

Also too, there’s the voice recognition to text app that’s built RIGHT INTO my tinyphone! That was a boon while visiting Helen – she knows enough ASL to make for smooth communication BUT with a broken collarbone, elbow, wrist, and arm in a sling, signing is painful. Tinyphone text docs to the rescue.

And, ya know, I can even charge my phone battery in the damn car!

Born at the right time indeed!

Chuck Wendig, however, recently tweeted this most salient, dynamic observation.
The fact that one must make coffee without having first had coffee is proof we live in an unjust, chaotic universe.
So the world has room for improvement. OH BUT WAIT! Now that Ten is here, when he wakes before me, which is common, HE makes me coffee (and he doesn't even drink the stuff!). He even sets out my fave mug and my straw. (yes, I need a straw to drink ALL liquids due to stupid nerve damage)

I never, ever want to take this man for granted!
I only mention it but English is weird.

Take the word coach fer instance. Coach can mean one who instructs or trains. Like a football coach or a math coach.
It’s also a large four-wheeled horse-drawn carriage an elevated seat in front for the driver OR a railroad passenger car

Then there’s the similarly spelled couch.
It can refer to the phrasing used to explain something. As in many false claims are couched in biblical terms.
AND it’s a piece of furniture  – she was exhausted and decided to have a quick lay down on the couch.

How anyone can learn this confusing and quixotic language is beyond me.