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Saturday, April 4, 2020

Cabin Fever, episode 5,000,000,021...or so

Yes, it’s another episode of OH MY GOD, THIS CABIN FEVER’S GONNA KILL ME IF THE TRUMP PLAGUE DOESN’T GET ME FIRST! Remember mes amis, I've been out of action (more or less) since my January 10th giant not-so-magic bean surgery.

Yes, I’ve got stuff to do, to keep me engaged and entertained here at home BUT I want to go for a damn walk. Even without Trump’s Disease, I haven't been able to go out. It’s been windy as hell the last few days AND bleakly wet and stormy. This ain’t no la-la-la-lovely, light April showers rousing the May flowers shit. Nope, this has been a week of cold, violent gusts with water balloons (sans rubbery wrapper) cascading down from a cruel grey, mocking sky.

I’d mall walk but, oh yeah, the joint’s shut in order to inhibit the spread of that lethal (to those of us with banjaxed immune systems) Trump Virus.

It occurred to me yesterday that Princess Boob Job Barbie hasn’t been in the news lately. No more staged happy family photo ops or cute Mom suggestions? No Unqualified Idiot “Bring Your Stupid Daughter to Work Day“ pics? No more tweets and Instagrams showing us her utter lack of language comprehension?

 Does she now, finally, get that she’s nothing more than a rich, bleach blonde, pneumatic joke? Doubt it.

I’d like to see FAR less of her husband, Super Failure Boy. Jar-Jar’s stupid, fucking, brain damaged father-in-law seems to think Boy Blunder can solve ALL probs smoothly, easily and in a way that makes Fat Donny look good.

Yeah, only in his deranged, delusional and pathologically dimwitted excuse for a brain.
With the federal medical supply stockpile rapidly dwindling, the Crown Prince of Failing Upwards decided to redefine said stockpile as the Trump family’s personal playpen, with goodies to be dispensed according to whim and asskissery. The creepy little freak even doctored the official website after the fact to reflect his lie/mistake, because cut-rate Orwell is just how this administrations rolls, muthafuckas. (source)
 Go read the rest of Shower Cap's post. He'll make you laugh while you sob and worry that the dry cough you've had for the past day and a half means you've got the plague.

Also a life (like, say...MINE) and STAY AT HOME!!!

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