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Saturday, August 21, 2021


You've been warned!

 Woke up with In The Year 2525 in my head.

In the year 2525, if man is still alive
If woman can survive, they may find

In the year 3535
Ain't gonna need to tell the truth, tell no lie
Everything you think, do and say
Is in the pill you took today

Zager and Evans
What will I find if I survive another 504 years? Yeah, I know, that’s ridiculously unpossible. What if reincarnation’s a real deal though? Do I even want to come back and see what humanity has, by then, done to the planet?

What about the year 3535—1,514 years from now? I seriously doubt there will be any humans left. By then, some rich fool, with his own personal cache of portable plutonium, implosion-type bombs (AKA Fat Men and Little Boys) will have had a bad day, thrown a hissy fit and blown up the world. If the planet still exits, Earth will be populated by six foot cockroaches and 400 ton rats.  No people and that might well be an improvement.

Yeah, I didn’t wake up in a cheery mood this morning. Given this, I really shouldn’t have read Shower Cap's weekly post. The hell on earth review of the week is always framed in a snarkalicious manner BUT there’s only so much humor I can pull out of this post orange asshole hellscape.

Not to impugn the good faith of the military-industrial complex,but I’m starting to think that Afghan army we spent two decades building never quite became the elite peacekeeping force we were led to expect. I guess $83 billion doesn’t buy what it used to.

 Other than human tragedy on an unfathomable scale, of course.

And he hasn’t even started on the GOP Death Cult’s COVID Regeneron commercial and kill-a-thon.

I’m finally beginning to feel a little better after the fall I took on Wednesday night (my fuckin’ birthday). Is the slow recovery, from a minor fall, due to my current state of elderliness or is it that AND the fact I was already in Recovery Land. I’ll take Decrepit Old Fart for 500, Alex.

Speaking of Jeopardy—the show’s executive producer, who decided he needed fame in addition to the big bucks he was already making, seems to have forgotten that he’s an asshole—an asshole whose witnesses and victims have long memories and aren’t afraid to speak up.  So, the shitheel ‘stepped down’—AKA was fired. Can we get LaVar Burton in there now?

OK, I’m done pissing and moaning for the day. Thanks for listening.


  1. Yeah, I know you can't hear this version of 2525, but the visuals are amazing...

    1. Reminds of something I saw at a Widespread Panic show.

      Well yeah, there was LSD involved ...

    2. Visuals are BRILLiant! Love this!

    3. Widepread Panic and LSD? I'm there!
