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Monday, June 5, 2023

Another Monday Morning

I’m off to Mass General, my home away from home, for a check-in with my chemo nurse practitioner. Nothing’s particularly wrong—nothing new and, possibly, chemo related, that is. My med pit crew just misses me if I don’t visit (or have blindingly major surgery) every month or so. Considering they’re keeping me alive and able to snarf cake and jalapeño poppers, I like to oblige them.

Yep, I’m all selfless like that and shit.

Jen’s taking me in as Ten’s still busy rebuilding the kitchen that I accidentally decimated. He’s making brill progress. The ceiling’s rebuilt and the upper cabinets are mostly all in. Next up, replacing the floor and lower cabinets. At some point soon he’s going to let me loose on the walls—I’m planning to do more doodling.

It’s a bleak, rainy day here but, hopefully, Jen and I can still stop in at Dairy Freeze on our way home. No trip to MGH is truly complete until I’ve had my butterscotch dipped vanilla soft serve.
Of course!

Also, here, have some pics.
On the left – old cabinets and ceiling gone. On the right – ceiling and new, upper cabs in.
Napping bee
Cake – flopped out, contemplating the mysteries of the universe.

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