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Sunday, July 14, 2024

Crème Brûlée is Self Care

No, I’m NOT gonna talk about yesterday’s events today. I’m just gonna sit here snarfing my breakfast crème brûlée whilst listening (on my internal turntable) to Joe Cocker belt out Feelin’ Alright.  I’m keeping all my theories and imaginings to myself AND I’m not gonna sift and comb through news reports. 

Later this morning I’ll take a walk to the seawall—maybe capture some shots of seagulls and water. This afternoon, Jen, Oni and I will watch our new favorite show What We Do In The Shadows and continue to avoid any and every mention of the mendacious mango martyr.

This is what self care looks like today. Also, tots and pears babies, tots and pears.

Gotta stop believin’ in all your lies
‘Cause there’s too much to do before I die

Whoa, you’re feelin’ alright now? (Oh, no)
Yeah, I’m not feelin’ that good myself (no, no)
Yeah (feelin’ alright?)
Well, I know that (oh, no)
But I’m not feelin’ good myself (no, no)
You can tell the world you’re feelin’ alright (oh, no)
Yeah, I’m not feelin’ too good myself I tell you (no, no)
Oh, you’re feelin’ alright now? (Oh, no)
Hey, I’m not feelin’ too good this morning (no, no)
Back in February of this year, former Dutch prime minister, Dries van Agt, ended his life via euthanasia. His wife Eugenie went along for the ride. They were both 93.

Dries had suffered a brain hemorrhage, (a type of stroke) in 2019 from which he never fully recovered. I can’t find a reference to Eugenie’s exact illness.

Euthanasia and assisted suicide have been legal in the Netherlands since 2002 for six conditions, including unbearable suffering, no prospect of relief and a long-held, independent wish for death. (source)
FYI, euthanasia and assisted suicide aren’t exactly the same thing. Euthanasia is when a doctor administers the lethal med to the patient. For assisted suicide, the doc hands the death magic to the patient who then takes it themself.

I’m fully in favor of this being legal here in the US of A. We should all have the right to live AND die as we wish, with love and decency. Figure the odds of the obscenely self-misnomered “Party of Life” going along with this (between cruel reproductive health bans and gun boosterism they’re, much more accurately, the Party of Needless Suffering and Death)

The Amazing Bob had consistently made it clear, well in advance of his final illness, that he did NOT want heroic measures made to extend his life. His death wasn’t assisted—neither was it prevented. The docs just made it easier and painless for him.

Had I known then of the mondo, accelerated health struggles I’d be facing within two short years, would I have chosen to take my final bow with TAB? Could we have gone out together a la Jihei and Koharu of The Love Suicides of Amijima or even Romeo and Juliet?

…the trend of "duo euthanasia" is growing in the Netherlands, where death by the said procedure has been legal since 2002. While 26 people were granted euthanasia at the same time in 2020, the number increased to 32 in 2021 and 58 in 2022 showing a significant growth in demand, the publication noted. (source)
No. In 2016, when TAB took the last train for the coast, it wasn’t my time emotionally, mentally or physically. As I’m writing this, it’s still not my time. Also, I’m not a soupy romantic; not even a failed one. At best, on rare occasion, I might be considered a sentimentalist.

I’ll go when my bell rings. Don’t rush me.


  1. For me, it boils down to: "I just want to see what happens next." Gnostic- as in "I want to know!"

    1. Yep, I’m eager to know more and have NOT succeeded in avoiding all reports. I may need a gummy or two to keep me from more scumbag scrolling.
