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Monday, October 28, 2024

How to Lose Votes

I'm familiar with his name—Bad Bunny. WHAT a great handle! Evidently, he's a big deal rapper, singer, songwriter, record producer, actor, three time Grammy winner AND pro wrestler.
Bad Bunny signalled his support for Harris moments after comedian Tony Hinchcliffe made the remarks about Puerto Rico at the Trump rally in New York. Hinchcliffe also made crude remarks about Latinos.

The comment was immediately criticised by the Harris-Walz campaign. Ricky Martin, another Puerto Rican pop star, wrote in a post to his 18m followers on Instagram: “This is what they think of us. Vote for @kamalaharris.”

Later, Trump campaign spokesperson Danielle Alvarez in a statement said: “this joke does not reflect the views of President Trump or the campaign. (Sure Jan)

Other Latino singers who had already expressed support for Harris – including Jennifer Lopez and Marc Anthony – also shared the video from Democratic candidate.

Bad Bunny has won three Grammy awards and was the most streamed artist on Spotify in 2020, 2021 and 2022, only surpassed by Taylor Swift in 2023. He was named artist of the year by Apple Music in 2022. (source)

I’m deaf (as you may already know) and old so I’ve unfortunately not heard Bad Bunny's tunes. But...gosh, looks like he's got a lot of fans, huh?

In the video shared by Bad Bunny (on his Instagram page), Harris said, “I will never forget what Donald Trump did, and what he did not do, when Puerto Rico needed a caring and a competent leader. He abandoned the island, tried to block aid after back-to-back devastating hurricanes and offered nothing more than paper towels and insults.” 

 The recording artist has 45.6 million Instagram followers. (source)

45.6 million followers—imagine that. I hope his and Ricky Martin’s 18.6 million fans vote.

Unsurprisingly, a couple of Florida Republicans, who just happen to be up for reelection in a slim eight days, came out against the insanely bigoted bullshit—only the Puerto Rico "jokes" though. Apparently, Maria Salazar and Rick Scott aren’t at all concerned about racist slams made about Black people.

Writing on X, US congresswoman Maria Elvira Salazar said she was "disgusted" by the "racist comment". She said it did not "reflect the GOP values", referring to the Republican Party, and noted the thousands of Puerto Ricans who served in the military. (source)

Bitch, those are spot on GOP values. That, more money for rich people and women are nothing but livestock.

I'm thinking that:

  • No one bothered to review and edit out the damaging slurs before this braindead “comic” hit the stage.
  • Hinchcliffe’s speech was reviewed BUT the campaign let it fly because Florida’s so gerrymandered that losing Black and Puerto Rican votes won’t make a difference.
  • Trump, Miller, Vance and the rest of those vile Nazi loons were too busy laughing their stunted, dimwitted asses off to understand that the “jokes” will cost them votes.

Hey, why not all three reasons?!

Putting paid to the lie that Republicans give a shit about anyone but wealthy, white, “christian,” penis Americans, Trump reiterated plans for a mass deportation for illegal migrants, speaking of his wish to "rescue" places that had been "invaded and conquered" by "vicious and bloodthirsty criminals.”

 Yeah sure, you miserable fuck. You and your little furniture assaulting VP choice really care whether an immigrant is legal or not.

Sunday, October 27, 2024

Abandoning Amazon

I’m not an Amazon fan. Why not?

The company engages in illegal union busting shit:
Amazon has been accused of illegally firing workers in Chicago, New York and Ohio, calling the police on workers in Kentucky and New York, and retaliating against workers in New York and Pennsylvania, in what workers say is an escalation of long-running union-busting activities by the company. (source)
The warehouses are NOT safe places to work.

Fry attributes the frequency of injuries at Amazon to the breakneck speed required of employees. At Amazon, he saw coworkers get broken feet from packages falling on them and wrist and arm injuries from fast, repetitive motions. While he said Amazon implemented basic safety measures, the speed of work required made injuries inevitable. 

“They give us safety shoes, which is good,” Fry said. “They give us gloves, which is good. They try to teach us how to lift, which is good. But fundamentally, none of these safety measures are going to decrease the amount of injuries if they keep making people work so fast.” (source)

My chonky Cake is NOT amused.
Workers have to pee in old water bottles instead of taking bathroom breaks.

The allegation that Amazon workers are sometimes forced by the pace of their jobs to forego restroom breaks and relieve themselves in bottles isn't a new one. Those allegations surfaced in 2018 in a book by British author James Bloodworth, who went undercover as an Amazon worker in the U.K. (source)
An Ethical Consumer boycott cited what it calls “outrageous tax avoidance.”

Did I mention? The warehouses are NOT safe AND Amazon’s On-Site Emergency Care (Amcare) aren’t overly concerned about worker’s health.

Earlier this year, a falling object struck a worker’s head at an Amazon fulfillment center in Robbinsville, New Jersey. The worker visited Amcare, the company’s on-site medical unit, and told the emergency medical technicians on staff there that they had a headache and blurred vision — classic symptoms of a concussion. According to company protocol, Amazon’s medical staff should have sent the worker to a hospital or doctor’s office for further evaluation, or at least called a physician for advice. They did neither. (source)
What’s this all mean for me? I own an Amazon Kindle e-reader. It’s made a HUGE difference in my book consuming experience. Since a wonderful friend bought one for me (during my surgery-a-thon of 2020-’21), I no longer need to read while balancing a book under a magnifying glass. Yes, I use over-the-counter reading glasses but, with paperbacks and hardcovers I need more—the text is just too damn small. With an e-reader, I can increase the font size as needed. Also, using the Libby app, I can borrow library e-books without leaving the house. Goodbye COVID and flu risk!

My goal is to find a non-Amazon e-reader. Did you know? With a Kindle, I can only read books in the following formats: .azw, .azw1, .txt, .mobi, and .prc. The most popular format for ebooks though is .epub, a format supported by most e-readers.

I’ve found a well reviewed alternativeKobo which is made by Rakuten Kobo Inc., they sell ebooks, audiobooks, and e-readers. I totally dread making the switch. I’m NOT as technically adept as I once was. I’m nowhere near as patient with computers and such now. Can’t someone set up all this shit for me so I don’t have to read tech manuals? And how do I get Libby to download library books to my Kobo instead of the Kindle?

I’ll wade through the instructions and tech shit though. My Amazon footprint is wicked small but I no longer want to add even a penny to Bezos’s insane wealth. He can pay his own damn superyacht’s operating expenses and port fees without any help from me.

Friday, October 25, 2024

We're Almost There

12 days to go and I can NOT fucking wait until he’s lost and goes away. I know he won’t vanish immediately. I get that he’s going to try another coup d’état but this time is different. He’s NOT the president—Biden is and I’m pretty damn certain Dark Brandon is prepared for Von Shitzenpantz and his violent, delusional, dimwitted thugs.

The lazy mainstream media should savor these last weeks and months of their disingenuous both sidesism. Their sugar daddy’s about to go down and the fascists’ replacement puppet, J.D. Couchfucker, doesn’t have the rotted roadkill pizzazz to fascinate the toxic fans he’s left behind.

For now, I’m staying off most social media. I just can’t read any more posts and news articles about that orange, anus-mouthed idiot's praise for Hitler, his second-grade-bully name calling, his hate for this country.
I’ve noticed this especially with some men who seem to think Trump’s behavior, the bullying, and the putting people down is a sign of strength,” former President Obama told attendees at a rally in Pennsylvania. “I am here to tell you that is not what real strength is. It never has been.”

Real strength is about working hard and carrying a heavy load without complaining. Real strength is about taking responsibility for your actions and telling the truth, even when it’s inconvenient,” he continued. “Real strength is about helping people who need it and standing up for those who can’t always stand up for themselves. That is what we should want for our daughters and for our sons, and that is what I want to see in a president of the United States of America.(source)
So, I’m gonna read, watch my favorite movies, walk and do rehab exercises, take more pics of my out-of-control blooming Xmas cactus, have tacos for lunch and crab rangoons for dinner.

Haters gonna hate, throw toddler tantrums, and make the world more ugly, unfair, and dangerous. VOTE THEM OUT!

Thursday, October 24, 2024

Newton's First

I’m tired. I’m unfathomably weary...fucking beat!

Why? *gestures all around* Apart from the whole threat of democracy being murdered by the fascist Republican Party who do nothing but lie, gaslight, and pervert the Constitution? Aside from the Hitler-wannabe Trojan Clown candidate who wants generals who are faithful to him, not the country? Besides that smirking fuck who’s just waiting in the wings for his moment to shiv us all, including his boss?

Oh…gee. Nothing at all except for, maybe, the fact that I’m still recovering and rehabbing from the six massive neurosurgeries I’ve had over the last six years (three brain, three spine for those of you playing the home game). How much longer do I push, struggle, and grind before I see some significant improvement? (and by significant, I mean being able to walk a half mile without support. Yes, my hopes and goals are high. Are they unrealistic?)

Yes, yez, I am fully aware that I might be too hard, exacting, and unforgiving of myself. I’m also conscious of the fact that I tend toward laziness. Me and Newton's First Law of Motion are besties.
An object at rest remains at rest, and an object in motion remains in motion at constant speed and in a straight line unless acted on by an unbalanced force. (source)
It’s gonna be a nice day today—partly cloudy, mid 60s, not windy. Good day for a long (for me) walk, right? Ah, maybe not. Yesterday, I was weaker, lurching, generally unsteady and unable to walk as far. Seemed like a flashing neon sign saying TAKE A DAY OFF

I’ve been trying, with success, to work my way up to five days a week (versus four) of walking and ellipticalling. This week, I’ve done three days in a row of exercise. I can take today off and *BOOM* still have another free day over the weekend.

BUT I’m an object (okay, a human) who needs to stay in motion lest I lose inertia. I’m afraid to pause because I may not get up and moving again. Of course, if I don’t rest, I’m liable to fall or otherwise hurt myself. To put this in strict medical terms—that would suck
velociraptor wang.

How can I take a rest from walking and ellipticalling without throwing a spanner in my upward and onward progress? My improvement/advances have been glacially slow but they DO exist—can't afford to lose them. I could do the in place exercises that my physical therapist, Judy has shown me. They’re tedious. They don’t seem to matter but that’s bullshit—I know they make a difference. They help my strength levels and balance.

What am I learning with this endless rehab process? I’d make a great paperweight. Ya know, ornamental, stationary yet still, somehow, useful.

An object at rest remains at rest. Will I get up and going today. It remains to be seen.

Wednesday, October 23, 2024

Mushroom Envy

That burnt orange hued shit pile is the head of the Republican Party. What trump spews represents the whole lot of them, right? I mean, Newt Gingrich taught them all to march in lockstep like the little Nazis they are. Given Dipshit Donnie’s recent stand-up routine in Latrobe, Pennsylvania, it seems clear that Yamtits and his entire party are ridiculously obsessed with men’s junk. The entire party has a severe case of penis envy.

Is this what a second trump term will look like? (now with extra added senility!) The entire fucktangle of Republicans will be incapable of thinking about anything but dicks. That is, when they’re not focused on turning women into nothing more than fuckable livestock.

How much you wanna bet that, IF Penis Envy Perv wins:

  • The Macy’s Day Parade floats will all be giant wangs.
  • The Superbowl halftime show? It’ll be Von ShitzenPantz doing his two fisted jerk off dance, flanked by a squad of high kicking, dancing shvantzes.
  • Fourth of July fireworks shows? They’ll all be pyrotechnic salutes to golfers with blue whale sized dongs.
  • Christmas? Say goodbye to that star or angel that, in less insane times, topped your tree. Under the new regime, by edict of King Mushroom Dick I, only a proper white portobello mushroom peen tree topper will do.

Meanwhile, House Speaker Mike “Johnson” (snicker, snicker) can’t get through an interview without crying (and lying) like a tantruming toddler.

Tapper didn’t let Johnson stonewall him. “I’m sure that you think that a policy debate would be better than a personality debate, but if President Biden had gone onstage and spoke about the size of a pro golfer’s penis, I think you would be on this show right now saying you were shocked and appalled and you would suggest it was evidence of his cognitive decline,” the host said.
The two then got into a back and forth until Johnson snipped, “I’ll address it. Let me answer it, OK? Don’t say it again. We don’t have to say it. I get it.
“Don’t say it again. We don’t have to say it.” It seems the GOP House Speaker Johnson (who tasked his own teen son with monitoring his porn habit—seems a bit inappropriate AT MINIMUM. Maybe that’s just me?), is incapable of an honest discussion of Dear Leader’s utterly bizarre speech.

As Sundae Divine said on Threads:
“Jake Tapper said “penis” so many times when he interviewed Mike Johnson yesterday that Johnson’s son got a notification on his phone.”
It undoubtedly is.

Tuesday, October 22, 2024

Short People (like me) and More

Did you know? October 22nd is National Throw Tall People Day. Urban Dictionary tells me that October 25th is National Kick Tall People Day. This is good for us short stacks who don’t have the strength to lift and toss our inordinately altitudinous brethren.

To Randy Newman, who says we’ve:
     … got little baby legs
     And they stand so low
     You got to pick 'em up
     Just to say hello

I say, best hide away at home today, big fella! Newman, by the by, is 6 foot.
My father was briefly into astrology and reading tarot cards. This was the late, late ‘60s. We were living in Bloomington, Indiana where he was studying for his doctorate. It wasn’t unusual to see him reading the cards (if that’s the correct term) for a student or fellow Ph.D candidate after dinner.

At right is the Three of Wands

The Three of Wands depicts a man who is standing on the edge of a cliff, looking over the ocean and the mountains. From the cliff edge, he sees everything that is ahead of him. The Wands are planted into the ground and surround the man as he grasps one in his hand. He seems to look forward and reflect on both the commitment that he has for his plans, as well as the method of execution in order to bring them to reality.  (source)
I believe we could all do with some three of wands action right now. You know—look to see all we’re facing, think about our respective commitments, and act intelligently. i.e., VOTE!!!
Last night I was reminded of why I love public libraries—even more so now that I use the Libby app.

Ya see, I picked up this memoir by an author I wasn’t familiar with. I love memoirs—okay, within reason I love them—Augusten Burroughs, Mary Karr, Trevor Noah, Lori Gottlieb, Carrie Fisher, and Patti Smith to name just a handful.

The author of the memoir I just started was, possibly still is, in marketing for a major record label. The synopsis and blurbs made it sound like it would be funny (and two weeks before this insane election, don’t we all need funny?) and relatable. Within the first few pages, it’s clear that the dude and I are from entirely different and distant worlds. He regularly shops at Saks Fifth Avenue, buys $675 windbreakers, and desperately wants to fit in with the corporate culture suits. Me? Not so much.

I only mention it BUT I’ve bought drivable cars for less than what his windbreaker cost. Does this light jacket protect him from monsoons? Does it have superpowers—maybe a cloak of invisibility tucked in a cleverly concealed pocket? Does it brew his morning coffee or mix the perfect post-work martini? $675 for a damn windbreaker? It fucking well better do more than just keep the wind and rain at bay. I checked the Saks site—they have windbreakers that go for OVER 2,000 buckos. WHAT a racket!

It became clear, before I was even a chapter in, that the memoirist is, in fact, NOT relatable. While he seems to be semi self-aware, he’s a bit of a dudebro. Maybe more than just a bit. Red flags are flying. The fact that he casually tosses out the crazy price he paid for a windbreaker (of all things) tells me that we have next to nothing in common. 

Ya know, it’s one thing to have enough spare dosh to spend outrageous amounts on a light jacket and quite another to be so blasé about it. FFS, there are people here in the ninth richest country on the planet who are starving, going without lifesaving healthcare, who lack shelter and he’s not even slightly embarrassed to have spent 675 simoleons on a jacket? Hell’s bells, I can get a made in the U.S. windbreaker from L.L. Bean for $60.

Are silkworms and alpacas working through the night to craft Saks’s windbreakers?

Will I read more of this corporate climbers memoir. I kind of seriously doubt it. I’m trying to escape clueless fools lately (okay, I’m always trying to duck them).

Monday, October 21, 2024

Assorted Bits

My Xmas cactus has, apparently, been downing anabolic steroids while my back was turned.

No idea who the artist is. LOVE this though.
Skitter wants the election over and done now, NOW, NOW! Me too Girl. Me too.
Conker? I hardly knew her!
I now have Paul Sion's song, Only Living Boy in New York in my head. Lyrics here.
Jonathan Livingston Seagull and his brother Harold.
Autumn in Amherst

Sunday, October 20, 2024

I Want Candy

How do I know I’m an adult? I had no more than three candy pumpkins yesterday. In fact, though I thoroughly enjoyed them, for the first time ever, they seemed a shade too sweet.

Sheesh. Next I’ll be finding pizza too heavy and struggling to finish one piece instead of three. Oops, already there.
It’s a Dylan kind of a morning. Songs in my head:
All Along the Watchtower
(Hendrix version)
Like a Rolling Stone
(Dylan version)
Knockin' on Heaven's Door
(Dylan version) 

Okay, mostly Dylan. Bow Wow Wow is in my bean this morning too.
No lie, the Trojan Clown started off his rally in Latrobe, Pennsylvania by talking about Arnold Palmer’s wang.

Politicians saluting Palmer in his hometown is nothing new. But Trump spent 12 full minutes doing so at the top of his speech and even suggested how much more fun the night would be if Palmer, who died in 2016, could join him on stage.
“When he took the showers with other pros, they came out of there. They said, ‘Oh my God. That’s unbelievable,’” Trump said with a laugh. “I had to say. We have women that are highly sophisticated here, but they used to look at Arnold as a man.”
I have questions.

What the abominable snowman fuck? What does it mean that Old Mushroom Dick spent 12 FULL MINUTES talking about someone, anyone’s schwanz!? Did he bring this up in chatter with personal friends after a game? Of course not. The grifting, stinky con doesn’t have any pals—just marks, puppet masters and fellow pervs.

Now that I think on it, I get it. Thanks to Stormy Daniels’s, we know that the felonious, rapist, Republican presidential candidate is toting a gerbil peen in his ridiculously baggy suit pants.
I was getting fucked by a guy with Yeti pubes and a dick like the mushroom character in Mario Kart ... (source)
We can file this under Shit I Didn’t Need To Know.

The point I’m getting at here is that Doddering Don has penis envy.

Golfers take post-game showers like football players? They have open group showers like after gym class in high school? Or is this like the famous Roman Baths

I only mention it BUT it seems unlikely that deeply insecure Donny’s apocryphal story is going to resonate with the under-60 voters who, even if they follow golf, would be more familiar with Tiger Woods or Scottie Scheffler. I mean, Arnold Palmer died eight years ago at the age of 87. His peak pro years were from 1960 to 1963. Hell’s bells, that was a long-ass time ago—61 years since his best days. Was Decrepit Don’s trying to recall the greatest heroes of his youth?
Did you know? Penis envy mushrooms are a variety of mushroom containing the psychedelic compound psilocybin.

Dunno…that tidbit feels relevant somehow.

Also, in order to avoid doomscrolling and fear, I’m now reading Rock On: An Office Power Ballad by Dan Kennedy.

It’s a memoir of his time working in marketing at a big record label. Oh yeah, the book’s description tells me it’ll be funny. I need humor right now (don't we all?). How else am I gonna get through the next 16 days?