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Friday, August 30, 2024


If you wish to make an apple pie from scratch, you must first invent the universe.
~ Carl Sagan

This is how I feel today. Relatively simple tasks feel confusing, overwhelming, gargantuan and
mystifying. Okay, maybe I feel like this every day. What’s yur point?

It doesn’t help matters that I slept only a few hours last night. What sparked this? I didn’t have any coffee yesterday. I walked, ellipticalled and did some of my balance exercises. The plumber came right out to replace our newly dead water heater (heading my house repair anxieties off at the pass). Cake was curled up by my side to help me drift off. Deep breathing and muscle relaxation exercises were performed. I even managed to cut down on my doomscrolling.

I should have been all set, right? NOOOOOOOOO!

I have, not one but two appointments today. Nothing big and scary—just standard upkeep crap. Maybe that's beside the point though. Could it be that I just want/need a few days in a row with NO medic appointments, house deterioration woes, grossly tedious paperwork shit and general adulting?

I think a staycation might be just the thing. No travel hassles, no crowds of potential COVID carriers, a pile of amusing, ripping yarns at my side and some Dutch apple pie. Maybe binge watching some Star Trek would help too?

Yeah, I think that might be the golden ticket.

Cake is exhausted from all the work of keeping me calm and functioning.

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