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Saturday, October 12, 2024

Putin's Pooch

In 2016 Putin’s Pooch, Don the Con, bragged that he could stand in the middle of Fifth Avenue, shoot someone and wouldn’t lose any votes.

I only mention it BUT, due to Trump’s rabid incompetence 1,219,487 lost their lives to COVID. They weren't all standing on Fifth Ave.

How did he manage this?

Just a year before COVID knocked us all on our asses, he got rid of the office Obama had set up within the National Security Council—it was charged with anticipating and prepping for fresh pandemics which would inevitably blow into town.
Trump’s elimination of the office suggested, along with his proposed budget cuts for the CDC, that he did not see the threat of pandemics in the same way that many experts in the field did. (source)
Michael de Adder
The demented pumpkin head “did not see the threat of pandemics in the same way that many experts...did.” Isn’t that just the most delicately bullshit way to frame Trump’s profound ineptness, callousness and complete lack of intelligence.
The report, prepared by the House select subcommittee investigating the nation’s Covid response, says the White House repeatedly overruled public health and testing guidance by the nation’s top infectious disease experts and silenced officials in order to promote then-President Donald Trump's political agenda. (source

He promoted “herd immunity.” To achieve this a large enough percentage of the population needs to be exposed to the actual disease. Those who survive MAY then be immune.

A strategy of going for herd immunity from natural infection would lead to a massive death toll—estimates suggests the result could be somewhere between 1 million to 2.5 million dead Americans. (source)

One to 2.5 million dead peasants? To the MAGAt Party that’s nothing. It would never happen in their circle, right? I mean, they’re wealthy and probably white. Disease only affects non-whites and the Poors, right?

Donny Douchebag pushed myriad quack cures such as the anti-malaria drug hydroxychloroquin, eating horse dewormer, injecting disinfectant (FFS!) and shining UV flashlights up your ass!

Essentially, the astoundingly dim, wannabe mafioso DID murder 1,219,487. He just did it with lies, fantasies and fantastical bullshit instead of a gun. While Americans were dropping like flies, Von Shitzenpants was secretly sending Abbott Point of Care Covid test machines to his hero, Putin, for his personal use.

I’m not even touching on the miserable cockwomble’s other innumerable crimes while in office.

His gross actions and inactions led to the deaths of well over a million people and, if re-elected, he’ll have gotten away with it. He’ll do it again and much, MUCH worse too. Hell’s bells, he’s already promised to be a dictator on day one. He’ll gift wrap and deliver Ukraine to Putin, he wants to deport all Black and Brown people (he’s enamored of Eisenhower’s racist ‘Operation Wetback’ so citizenship status would be just a quibble), the ghoulish Stephen Miller has plans for massive detention/concentration camps. Trump’s mini me—his daughter-wife’s husband, Jared, is already making plans to raze Gaza and build pricey resorts.

The major media outlets know all this but keep on sanewashing the maniacal fuck and his despicable, miscreant henchmen. The major news outlets may as well don knee pads and cheerleader togs.

How many more human beings will die to bring about Trump and his minion’s vision of a wholly white country filled with worshipful, teary-eyed, 'strong' men and subservient blonde slave women.
Thanks and apologies to Martin Niemöller

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