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Friday, October 25, 2024

We're Almost There

12 days to go and I can NOT fucking wait until he’s lost and goes away. I know he won’t vanish immediately. I get that he’s going to try another coup d’état but this time is different. He’s NOT the president—Biden is and I’m pretty damn certain Dark Brandon is prepared for Von Shitzenpantz and his violent, delusional, dimwitted thugs.

The lazy mainstream media should savor these last weeks and months of their disingenuous both sidesism. Their sugar daddy’s about to go down and the fascists’ replacement puppet, J.D. Couchfucker, doesn’t have the rotted roadkill pizzazz to fascinate the toxic fans he’s left behind.

For now, I’m staying off most social media. I just can’t read any more posts and news articles about that orange, anus-mouthed idiot's praise for Hitler, his second-grade-bully name calling, his hate for this country.
I’ve noticed this especially with some men who seem to think Trump’s behavior, the bullying, and the putting people down is a sign of strength,” former President Obama told attendees at a rally in Pennsylvania. “I am here to tell you that is not what real strength is. It never has been.”

Real strength is about working hard and carrying a heavy load without complaining. Real strength is about taking responsibility for your actions and telling the truth, even when it’s inconvenient,” he continued. “Real strength is about helping people who need it and standing up for those who can’t always stand up for themselves. That is what we should want for our daughters and for our sons, and that is what I want to see in a president of the United States of America.(source)
So, I’m gonna read, watch my favorite movies, walk and do rehab exercises, take more pics of my out-of-control blooming Xmas cactus, have tacos for lunch and crab rangoons for dinner.

Haters gonna hate, throw toddler tantrums, and make the world more ugly, unfair, and dangerous. VOTE THEM OUT!

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