I believe this warmer weather (it’s been in the 40s this week!) is definitely helping my rehab progress. The snow has melted and I’ve been able to go for a few walks along the seawall.
Ahhh, fresh air, I’ve missed you so!
My recumbent elliptical action is better for burning calories, puts less stress on my joints, and works muscles around my hips and lower back thus building up my core muscles.
Walking is better for improving my balance and stability though and that’s my main rehab focus at the mo. Taking a nice, brisk-for-me stroll also works my hamstrings, calves, and ankles more than the elliptical.
Then there’s the whole weight bearing thing.

Weight bearing describes any activity you do on your feet that works your bones and muscles against gravity. When your feet and legs carry your body weight, more stress is placed on your bones, making your bones work harder. (source)With the recumbent elliptical, I’m sitting. Walking? Nope—I’m vertical and bearing the weight.

I take a pill and a Vitamin D but more is needed to keep me from toppling and shattering like a Lalique wineglass full of a fine Bordeaux. Walking puts stress on my bones which stimulates growth. This is good. We like this. We don’t like metaphorically spilled wine and broken stemware.
What’s best for rebuilding Donna (and, hopefully one day, ditching the rollator) is a walking/elliptical combo. Both are cardiovascular exercises. Strengthening my heart and lungs is good too.
‘scuse me now, I gotta go for a walk before the wind kicks up.
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