Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Avoid At All Costs

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Recovery plans to avoid, that is.

Next time I’ve a cold that puts me in bed for two days could somebody PLEASE remind me to leave my iPad well out of reach?

Yesterday I felt well enough to sit up and read, occasionally come downstairs to check on our herd of cat and annoy The Amazing Bob senseless with my whiny sick girl shtick. I did not, however, have the concentration god gave a hummingbird or the good sense Kali gave a razor clam -- so what did I do? Read my political blogs like the masochist I apparently am.

In response to David Corn’s expose on the filthy win-at-the-cost-of-decency-and-your-very-soul-Nixon/Bush/Cheney tactics planning session against Ashley Judd (who, by the by, is no longer a candidate) the McConnell team are focusing NOT on their sleazoid, disgusting, let’s-distort-reality-and-smear-baby-smear scheming confab. Oh no, no no -- they’re playing the ol‘ distraction shell game -- it’s HOW the meeting was recorded not WHAT they were plotting.
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This is Corn and Mother Jones’response:
We published the article on the tape due to its obvious newsworthiness. We were not involved in the making of the tape, but it is our understanding that the tape was not the product of any kind of bugging operation. We cannot comment beyond that, except to say that under the circumstances, our publication of the article is both legal and protected by the First Amendment.
and a snippet from Rachel Maddow’s post:
McConnell doesn't want to talk about his opposition-research team digging up dirt, and certainly doesn't want to talk about his willingness to use the suicidal thoughts of a sixth-grader as a legitimate line of attack in a Senate campaign, so instead he and his aides are trying a misdirection strategy -- the recordings aren't important, the argument goes; it's how the recordings were obtained that matters.
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I read the comments section on some other blog’s post (Think Progress maybe? Dunno. Not gonna look. I don’t need the aggro today) and the trolls were out somethin’ fierce.

So, did this drive my blood pressure, my anger levels up far enough to insure a complete inability to chill and heal? Probably but, ya know, why just ‘do’ when you can overdo?

I also read a Crooks and Liars post about the proposed gun laws -- actual proposed laws listed at this Slate post versus the flat out lies, distortions and hysteria mongering coming from the NRA and it’s minions. Then I read the Crooks and Liars comments section.

Damned trolls. IDIOTS! My blood was now boiling and much needed, blissful sleep was well out of the question.

I thought -- well, gee duh, I’ll start that new Minette Walters’ book, that’ll help! It begins with a young soldier in Iraq whose jeep is blown up by a hidden bomb. He’s recovering in hospital, the only survivor out of three. On top of losing an eye and having a permanently scarred face he’s got, of course, Post Traumatic Stress happening. The murder mystery, presumably, proceeds from there. I had to stop.

WAY too much reality for me. I need some nice happy fairy tales STAT! You know, the sort with innocent young princesses being poisoned by evil stepmothers, grandmothers devoured by wolves and children cooked up for din din by old crones in houses built of pastry.

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