Friday, April 12, 2013

Charge of the Dust and Purge Brigade

Amazing what you can find when you clean -- really deep clean -- your house.

I’ve begun an epic Spring coup d'crap. You know, you live in one place long enough and it’s just solidly astounding how much useless, dated and flat out mysterious paraphernalia you find.

OK, me. I'm amazed. Apparently I'm incapable of tossing anything even after it's usefulness is long past. Hey, who knows, maybe I can incorporate it into a sculpture. And I never do. Of course.

I threw out four remotes that were used for...what? Televisions we no longer own? Stereos that are long gone? Got me hangin’.

I found parts from old VCRs, Walkmen, a shit-ton of video cassettes and I JUST STARTED this Charge of the Dust and Purge Brigade.

I also found a lovely note which The Amazing Bob wrote to me about two of our bird visitors.
I just saw the most fascinating thing. Out next to the bulkhead there were, what looked like to me, two pudgy swallows with long, thin tails.

I noticed that one of them just stood there while the other picked up grains and inserted them into the first bird’s beak.

After feeding the first one a dozen or more times, the second bird moved away a foot or so and fed itself. But soon, the first bird hopped next to the second bird, chirping and the cycle continued.

At first I thought maybe the first bird had a beak injury but then I noticed it, occasionally, pick up food on its own.

I have no idea what was going on but they both seemed OK with it.
Was the second bird in the first’s employ? You know, a la Mae West and ‘Peel me a grape, Beulah.’ A swallow slave maybe? Was this mating related stuff?

Then, after dust bunnies had done their strafing runs on my sinuses, lungs pummeled by pounds of swept up Coco hair and monster headaches from moving furniture to get at all that loathsome detritus, I went next door to Jen and Oni’s for my reward.

My reign of filth and junk eradication continues today. There'll be more rewards for my good behavior too!

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