Saturday, October 7, 2017


Yes, in fact I DO aspire to Johnny Rotten fashion heights!
The day after my MRI, yesterday, I woke with a decent amount of energy and I was fairly upbeat. This was a surprise given how much lorazepam I’d ingested to get through Wednesday’s claustrophobic tube time. It normally take at least a day before the drug's all out of my system.

I was feeling happy and downright lucky. A long, optimistic list of errands and projects for the day was made. I hopped in the shower, donned shorts and T and set out to conquer my world.

And then it hit. BIG-TIME. After my long overdue hair cut (at right – a beauty, is it not?), credit union mission and cat fud run but before I could hit the gym or stop by Manet Health Center (the wonderful Ken Moore is helping me sort out some insurance woes), the bottom fell outta my humor, my energy. While sitting at a red light, a tsunami of sad crashed over me. Yes, I was able to function well enough to drive the car but the energy to elliptical and deal with health insurance crapoli was gone, baby, gone.

Coco was unimpressed with my new do. *sigh*
I texted Jen – she advised me to go home and climb into bed with Coco and a good book. I did. Stupidly, I also had a generous glass of Chianti which, just FYI, is specifically verboten whilst lorazepaming. *sigh* Nothing terrible happened beyond a long, unplanned nap (while in bed – NOT behind the wheel). Still, I felt silly and decidedly none too bright. I had a hod and a half of shit accomplish, fer Bast’s sake!

About now, if The Amazing Bob was here, he’d be giving me a raft of shit, in a totally loving way mind you. He’d mock-howl “I DON’T GOT TIME TO BLEED!” – a line from some pro-wrestling horseshit that his son made him sit through back in the day.
Yup, on those post MRI days, TAB could always snap me outta my overly tall, unrealistic (given the meds and shit) aims and expectations. My beautiful trickster partner had killah magic – he’d herd me to bed with promises of oatmeal butterscotch cookies and savory veg curries. Worked every damn time.

When I finally woke, with TAB’s magic in mind, I roasted up a bunch of Brussels sprouts and curled up with Coco and John Scalzi’s Lock In.
An aside – I just LOVE Scalzi’s bio on the GoodReads site:
John Scalzi, having declared his absolute boredom with biographies, disappeared in a puff of glitter and lilac scent.
So, today’s a new day. I’ll get to the damn gym, start a new painting, roast up some more veggies AND sit on the seawall, wave-watching too.


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