Thursday, November 30, 2017

Winter Is Coming

Will Roy Moore win? Maybe. If he does, Alabama will feel the wrath of 157 million women across the country AND the men who love and support them. If the citizens of Alabama elect a child molester who was TWICE removed from office (chief justice) for ethics violations, well baby dolls...the fury of the out and no longer cowed survivors of sexual harassment and assault will be something to behold.

Should the people of Alabama send a child molesting, racist, gay bashing, lying sack of criminally fetid gerbil feces to the senate, the state should lose beaucoup tourist, conventioneer and other business buckos. The state needs to be boycotted, it's gotta become a no-go zone.

I have similar hopes for the Rapist in Chief and his grifterella family of dim-bulbs. If they manage to avoid jail time, their businesses, at the least, should all tank BIGLY. In a perfect world, they’d all end up living in ONE two room, fifth floor, no AC walk-up in Prichard, Alabama.

The Orange Menace’s Republican Party is fixin' to ram through a tax "reform” package that has fuck-all to do with reform and everything to do with gilding the Richie Rich's solid gold lilies. Taxes for the middle class will be raised so that billionaires and giant corporations can pay less. It’s a bloody, monstro scam and senators, elected to serve ALL the citizens of this country NOT just big business and the one percenter wealthies, are about to push this travesty through. What this means is that a lot of us are gonna die but they don’t care. If these shitheels and their buds can afford a seventh vaca house and another solid gold toilet, our deaths are AOK by them. Just an unavoidable cost of doing bidness and shit.

Call your congress-critter NOW! The ones who are up for reelection next year might be more responsive. If you talk to just one, talk to the one who could lose his/her cushy gig next year. (you’ll get an aid on the horn, not the senator him/herself)

We have a president, elected by an elite group of electoral college idiots – NOT by you or I, who tweets snuff vids and steady, roiling rivers of lies. And he’s, naturally, backing his Southern brother in appallingly vile priapic abuse.

How can you tell 45’s lying? His mouth is open.

My mother, back in the ‘60s, always said that “the south is uncivilized .” Wee kiddle me, watching the news with Muti and Vati, understood and was deeply afraid.

If Alabama elects Moore, they will be proving that my mother's words are still true.


  1. Wow. Talk about putting "party before country"!

  2. Given what I know about the type of people who support Moore, South Carolina has a ton of similar moronic trolls, his election is in the bag. As for boycotting Alabama, I can't really think of anything in that godforsaken state other than maybe nice places on the Gulf Coast.

    The seriously fun aspect of Moore getting elected is that he will be the rally point you mentioned. I see that weasel Senator Mitch McConnell having many bad days as the 2018 midterms draw near with Roy Moore bumping around the nation mouthing off on his insane beliefs.

    1. Very true. Moore's ahead in the polls now and it looks like he's gonna win. There are so many reasond to NOT vote for Republicans and he's the gleaming turd on the top of the shit sundae.

  3. In a perfect world they lose everything and end up homeless on the streets. I would spit upon them. Perhaps even piss. Bring on the radical redistribution.
