Friday, December 1, 2017

The Bizarro Code

I am horrified by the news. (Why? Because I'm sane, that's why!) Every day seems worse than the one before (because it is). Trump and his Republican Party are clearly determined to turn the U.S. into a banana republic, to bring the country back into the age of serfs and lords. Apparently they saw Oliver, thought the flick was a documentary and decided it was a grand template.

That utter scam of a tax bill’s gonna pass (despite last minute dramas) and Moore’s gonna win. We are OH so assuredly deep into the darkest corner of Bizarro World.

If those bits weren't bad enough, Trump’s installing that torture supporting, JAIL THEM ALL (especially the kids), traitorous piece of pencil necked, fetid offal, Tom Cotton as head of the CIA. Torture, by the by, does NOT work, but, ya know, Trump and his sycophantic crew have their wet fever dreams which MUST be played out.

Also too, here in Bizarro World, claims of sexual harassment and/or assault are real, true and believable ONLY when the supposed defiler is a Democrat. If the alleged perp's a Republican, the allegations are all filthy lies and FAKE NEWS told by bitter, homely harridans purely for political reasons.
A growing list of powerful men have faced serious consequences for sexual misconduct allegations but the most powerful one of all has faced none. Instead Donald Trump's official position, as his spokeswoman Sarah Sanders recently clarified in a White House press briefing, is that the 20 women accusing him of assault and harassment are lying. (source)
Yeah, sure, sure. Got some snake oil you wanna sell me too? How 'bout a bridge in Brooklyn?

And the child molesting future senator from Alabama?
Alabama Republican Senate Candidate Roy Moore co-authored a study course, published in 2011 and recently obtained by ThinkProgress, that instructs students that women should not be permitted to run for elected office. If women do run for office, the course argues, people have a moral obligation not to vote for them. The course is also critical of the women’s suffrage movement, which in 1920 secured some American women the right to vote. (source)
Yeah, we shouldn’t be able to vote and certainly not run for office. Apparently us Vagina Americans should all just stay home cleaning, minding the bairn, making sammiches and fetching the brewskis. Christ on a diaphragm, the entire Republican Party is nothing but tiny dicked, radically insecure (undoubtedly for good reason), cretinous pools of diseased cockroach whizz.

Enough ranting (for today anyway). I just woke from a night of dreams about my beautiful, wise Amazing Bob. It started in the hospital – he was still dying but the docs let him leave figuring he’d be more comfortable at home. Instead, TAB, Jen and I went to the local mondo mall (was this Hell?) with the idea of getting Chinese food for lunch. The place was jam packed and TAB wandered off. When I finally found him, though his time was short, he wanted to go for a drive.*BAM* the dream put us on the Cape, along a shore road and TAB was driving (in Wakey-Wakey World, TAB hadn’t had a driver’s license in a zillion years. Why? He hated driving even more than me. We tossed for the driving role and, sadly, I lost).

Late In the Evening, (apropos of who the fuck knows), began trickling into my bean, playing louder and louder on my internal turntable, pulling me out of the immense, almost unbearable sad of TAB’s last hours and into the wild brio of the tune.

I could live inside that song.


  1. I wouldn't be too sure about the tax bill yet. Even if it gets through the Senate, it will need to be reconciled with the House version. By all accounts that won't be easy.

    Roy Mo[lest]ore will probably win, but that's not a sure thing either. It will come down to turnout.

    Remember what just happened in Virginia, which is more typical of the whole country than Alabama is.

    1. It's hard to keep hope alive and nourished. I'm trying to keep in mind what someone (you?) recently reminded me of -- it took Cox/Jaworski ~2 years to get Nixon and Mueller's been on the case less than a year.

      Patience, NOT one of my superpowers.

  2. I've drawn the conclusion the only way to deal with it is to put on your academic hat and as dispassionately as possible treat it as an exercise in observing history as it unfolds in painful slow-motion.

    Not unlike the stowaway on the Overlord ship in Clarke's Childhood's End, only to return as the last human to write something down.
