Tuesday, February 6, 2018

Be Sure to Wear Flowers in Your Hair

Yesterday morning Michal boarded her New Zealand bound boat. The first port of call is Hawaii – lucky broad! Jenny and I on the other hand, got scooped up by her husband John and motored over to Haight Ashbury. I’d never been there before and boyhowdy I am stunningly glad that tragic fucking oversight’s been corrected!

One of the first places we passed was the Anarchist Collective Bookshop. Thank Bast they weren’t open! Books are like smack to me. OK, actually, since I’m not an anarchist, I probably woulda been fine – would’ve just browsed/not bought (mebbe...).

Next door was Twisted Thistle Apothecary, a joint that sells smokables, quartz candle holders, Herbal tarot decks and they also run workshops.

Sacred Smudge Stick Making runs on the 8th.
In this workshop, I will guide participants in how to make incense bundles (aka smudge sticks) from a variety of fragrant plant materials (may include black sage, mugwort, cedar, or others seasonally-available).
Eh, sounds like the sort of activity a peaced out, hippier than thou couple would have at their baby or wedding showers. Or it'd be done as part of some groovy-ass ad agency's corporate, chill-out retreat.

Their next workshop is on the 22nd of this month – Healing with Sound. Back in my hearing days, I bloody well could’ve taught this one only without as much *CHING* I'm-so-damn-spiritual pretentiousness.

And then, minding my own biz, I got sucked into a tie dye togs shop. Of course I did! Shockingly (sadly?), I managed to NOT buy one of their gorgeous Ts. They also had this beautiful comfy chair that, pretty sure, I RILLY need. Tragically. it wouldn’t fit in my wee knapsack. Obvs I need to return with a bigger bag, eh? Also too, even their ceiling was tie dyed!

We couldn't pass by the spectacular clothing emporium, Distractions. They had EVERY damn thing I need for rocking out with my vestibular schwannomas out. There were magnificent coats and jackets and, best of all, TOP HATS! I SO, big and bad, wanted this purple beauty (EXACTLY the right deep shade) but they didn’t have my size. Yes this means I saved money AND I didn’t have to tote it home BUT, like the tie dye easy chair, I’m certain this is beyond some piffling want – it’s something I need.

I was pulled into a fabulous comic book/Tshirt emporium (whose name I, sadly, can't recall). Not a shocker really given that ALL comic shops EVERYWHERE ramp up their tracker beams whenever they sense I'm near. STILL, given how tight my bags were packed AND my City Lights binge, I totally should have exhibited some restraint. How could I though when they had this sign out front (see below)? Yes, I picked up a few fun titles and I also got to lamp the awesome clerk's fabola squid ink.

While ambling farther down the street, Jenny and John ran into a young hippy dude (see below) who they’d met in Tuscon, almost 900 miles away. Apparently, just like back in Pleistocene days when we was young, they’d met by chance and really connected. He was at loose ends and in need of a place to crash so they openheartedly brought him home to stay for a bit. How motherfucking wonderfully Wavy Gravy/Woodstock/Peace, Love and Understanding is that!? AND as strange and sometimes blithe luck would have it, they found each other again on the Haight. All we were missing were the flowers in our hair.

Eventually, my feets gave out and lunchie called. We left for Chinatown (SUCH a BIG Chinatown too) and John’s fave restaurant where I had some abso-awesome veggie chow fun. Afterward, dog's barking like mad and brain/energy level all touristed out, it was off to the airport and my flight home.

I did, by the by, get my tie dye fix. There was an old Grateful Dead-ish dude selling shirts out of the back of his car. He had some totally brill shit – great prices too. I can resist anything but temptation.


  1. I've never been to California at all, but I can imagine that there'd be plenty in SF to catch my interest. My brother once walked into a record store in SF while talking to me on the phone and mumbled, "Oh no. I'm going to spend way too much money here..." as he walked in the door.

    The picture with the guy with the backpack really encapsulates what I picture as the San Francisco experience.

    1. Oh man, you really gotta go. There's so much beauty and brilliant history.

      Haight Ashbury is a very special place but only a small part of the San Francisco deal.
