It’s Isabella Rotman. Go read her illustrated artist’s statement – it’s brill. Utterly. She’s archly funny, full of frank observations and I’m just wild about her drawings.
She has loads of samples up at her site and, I think, Siren School is there in full. You know me though, I dig paper. I like reading from an ink and parchment set up. So, indeed, I will be investing in MORE Rotman and soonly too.

I also bought a NON-comic book, NON-poetry book. No, RILLY!

Was this purchase all about copping salacious intellectual feels? While there is that risqué element, sure, this has more to do with wanting to know what life was like for luckless women from another place and time. History has mostly been written by and about men. If women are featured it’s, most often, either because they’ve uncommonly risen to powerful positions or are hooked up with some dude who gets most of the cred/blame. That's, maybe, starting to change.
I’m always wondering/imagining – who would I have been way back then?
The preface, forward and intro for Alice runs close to 80 pages. I get it, it’s good to have the historical background BUT…to me, it’d make more sense, be much more satisfying to read all about Fremont Older, the original publishing paper's editor, AFTER, not before. He’s not the main story – she is.
Yeah, I’m skipping over it so’s I can dive into Alice’s tale.
“Alice’s own narrative immediately gripped us,” Anderson said by phone. “But the thing that really indicated to us that this was a special and remarkable document was, alongside these daily installments of Alice’s story, there were these letters to the editor that were published, and nearly half of them were written by other prostitutes or working-class women, reflecting on their own experiences in San Francisco and California in this really candid way.” (source)Between this and the poetry volumes I snagged, reading matter-wise, I'm all set for at least another week.
I would miss that stuff, if it slid off into the ocean.
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