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Tuesday, September 18, 2018

A Dearth of Fizz

Coco is unimpressed
I’m not rising and effervescently shining as bright and early as usual. WHY?

Oh yeah, it’s not light out at 4AM anymore. We’re heading into a new, darker season. Also, just FYI, I may be over my jet lag but DAYum, it’s still hard to get going on dark, rainy mornings. Plus, and I'll bet you figured this one out already, I miss Ten.

Whine, snivel, mewl.
Do not be angry with the rain; it simply does not know how to fall upwards.
~ Vladimir Nabokov
We could engage a tutor, a coach. Ya know, give the rain some damn lessons. Right?
Some people walk in the rain, others just get wet.
~ Roger Miller
So, this is MY fault, hmmm? What? And I should smile more too?
think that the
world should be full of cats and full of rain, that's all, just
cats and
rain, rain and cats, very nice, good
~ Charles Bukowski, Betting on the Muse: Poems and Stories

It was a rainy night. It was the myth of a rainy night.
~ Jack Kerouac, On the Road

Never dance in a puddle when there's a hole in your shoe (it's always best to take your shoes off first).
~ John D. Rhodes

The rain fell like dead bullets.
~ Scott Nicholson
Wow. That’s just about as emo as I feel this morning too. Excellent!
It's all nonsense. It's only nonsense. I'm not afraid of the rain. I am not afraid of the rain. Oh, oh, God, I wish I wasn't.
~ Ernest Hemingway
Brutha, can I get ya a cuppa joe? I just made some. And a cookie. I didn't make the cookies so they' to eat AND tasty!
It was raining in the small, mountainous country of Llamedos. It was always raining in Llamedos. Rain was the country's main export. It had rain mines.
~ Terry Pratchett, Soul Music

It has been raining here for ten years. I keep an accurate record of time and can state this with no fear of contradiction.
~ Alastair Bruce, Wall Of Days
The Valhalla forecast for the next ten days (years?) is rain, rain, rain. I like rain but C'MON!
It rained toads the day the White Council came to town.
~ Jim Butcher, Summer Knight
So yur saying “things could be worse.” K. Gotcha. At least it’s not raining toads here. Fine.
Nothing reminds us of an awakening more than rain.
~ Dejan Stojanovic
Yeah. No. Nothing puts a nap in mind more than rain.

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