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Looks a lot like the Charlottesville Tiki Torch Brigade, no? |

The Republican Sleaze Machine is, as usual, working to smear, slime and kill a potential threat well in advance. The Machine is so effective that they’re able to turn allies into enemies.They've got the gaslight, divide and conquer shtick down cold.
Humans have a tendency to believe the constant noise around them. We're swimming in a never ending, inescapable river of lies.
To paraphrase the old Nazi Minister of Propaganda (who Republicans clearly admire and have studied under):
If you repeat a lie often enough, the gullible will believe it. And everyone’s gullible.~~~
Clownstick has said stronger and more disgusting things about Daniels, Warren and Taylor Swift (and that’s just this week) than he’s said of the Saudi bone-saw murder of an American permanent resident. What’s this tell me? That the Tangerine Shitstain has a hard-on for the Saudis (and any other rich, strong man, asshole who has the freedom to murder his enemies). OR they paid him off. I’m goin’ with both on this one.

A) a shred of decency
B) a scintilla of appreciation or respect for women—not even his equally tiny brained and bigoted wife.
But we all knew this already, eh?
I’m beyond sick of McConnell and his corrupt crew of total asswipian, slavering and swinish fiends continuing efforts to take health care away from me and you. Oh – Social Security and Medicare too.
A great post up at Think Progress shows the at risk Republicans who voted to gut pre-existing conditions coverage.

I’m off, in a few, to MGH to meet my new surgeon. We’ll discuss options and possibilities. It’ll be interesting to say the least. I’m in favor of having all the surgery that I’ll ever need now – RIGHT now while I still have health care.
Encourage EVERYONE you know to get out and VOTE. My life, yours and your friend’s lives honestly depend on us being able to fire these cretinous, on-the-take, criminally clueless, empathy impaired, motherfucking, dead toad brained, fucking fucks.
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