Of the Republi/Fascists who aren’t or won’t be going along with their Dear Leader’s latest disgusting, autocratic, big smelly dump on the Constitution, there’s Senator Thom Tillis of North Carolina.
He says he’s gonna do the right thing but it’s for a totally fucked up reason – of course it is.
"As a conservative, I cannot endorse a precedent that I know future left-wing presidents will exploit to advance radical policies that will erode economic and individual freedoms" (source)Let’s see now, which individual freedom is he afraid a President Harris or Booker will erode?
- The right to die a slow, painful death because you can’t afford health care or meds?
- The right to NOT die at the hands of some gun humping whackaloon?
- The right to not become ill from polluted air, water and land?
Theoretical moderate, Susan Collins, plans to vote in favor of halting the fake national emergency taxpayer money grab too. She bravely (with an eye towards reelection in 2020) disagreed with the dicktator manque saying that this isn’t what the law (the national emergency thing) was intended for.
"It was intended for catastrophic events, such as the attacks on our nation on 9/11 and severe natural disasters,"BUT she finished up by saying:
"I don't know what the vote situation will be in the Senate, nor do I know exactly what that resolution will say," she said. "If it's a clean disapproval resolution, I will support it.” (source)

Alaska’s Lisa Murkowski says she’ll vote in support of the resolution. Haven’t read any weaselly qualifiers from her…YET.
Old Turtle McConnell’s not nervous. He's unconcerned about disappointing his lord and master, the Hater in Chief. Ya see, long’s Mitch can keep the number of defectors from the Fascist fold under a veto-proof level, he’s safe. The Treasury of Mental Illness in the WH won’t be displeased with him. That’s all that matters, right?
“I have the absolute right to do national emergency if I want.” (source) (insert petulant foot stomp here)Will we survive the vainglorious greedmonster and his party of tyrannical tit willow's reign?
"I didn't need to do this. I just want to get it done faster, that's all." (source)
I think we're going to survive. We're halfway through to the light.
ReplyDeleteThank you. Some morning's it seems like it's impossibly far away.