Not unlike Shower Cap, I’m wondering how much more of the fecal brained Tangerine Shitgibbon’s astoundingly ginormous, unchecked corruption and obscene crimes against humanity that I can take.
What? You mean, before I purposely cash in my chips? No...'course not. I mean, how much of his democracy murdering WH occupancy can I pay attention to before I snap. Snapping would likely entail screaming endlessly (and woe betide any Republi/Fascists or Jill Stein fans who get in my way) and then going quiet…way quiet…scarily silent. Silence as prelude to…something.
Quite possibly, in fact radically likely, Imma need to paint this a la Guernica, Picasso’s reaction to the Nazi's casually cold-bloodedly cruel and devastating bombing of the Basque town of that name during Spanish Civil War (done at the behest of Spanish Nationalists). It was market day In Guernica – everyone was in the town center when those bombs were dropped.
I’m sick of imagining the horror that these children and their parents are living through. On top of the viciously monstrous barbarity of tearing apart these asylum seeking families (who are already fleeing terror at home!), more than 4,500 of the caged children, CHILDREN, have been sexually abused. The demonic employees of that human(ish) shaped cesspool – the head of the Republican party – are responsible.
How can anyone on this planet be so astoundingly, greasily, hate-filled, callous and clearly mentally ill. Those who continue to support 45 (AKA the Ranting Yet Still Lukewarm Pool of Diarrhetic Tasmanian Devil Poo) are right there with him. They're holding the bag for these crimes agaainst humanity too.
These pernicious prats, criminally devoid of empathy, deserve every bad fate they fall into…including cancer. Too bad disease doesn’t discriminate in its targeting. It SO should.
Have I said this yet today? That profoundly UNdemocratic and obvs spectacularly stupid electoral college gifted us this horror-show-on-steroids president. Ya know, just like they inflicted W and endless chickenhawkery on us. The electoral college MUST be disbanded with extreme prejudice if this country is to survive.
All artwork by Picasso (Gurenica at top) and Käthe Kollwitz.
What? You mean, before I purposely cash in my chips? No...'course not. I mean, how much of his democracy murdering WH occupancy can I pay attention to before I snap. Snapping would likely entail screaming endlessly (and woe betide any Republi/Fascists or Jill Stein fans who get in my way) and then going quiet…way quiet…scarily silent. Silence as prelude to…something.

The big news of course is immigration, or, more accurately, Hairplug Himmler’s rampaging, all-consuming, bigotry. Donald Trump is a simple, stupid, man, governed by hatred, and utterly incapable of learning. After his insistence on making the midterms a referendum on his border fear-mongering backfired delivering him an electoral wedgie he still hasn’t managed to pick out of his ass, the Most Stable of All Possible Geniuses wants to bring back his least popular and most inhumane policy, family separations.
Politically, it’s absolutely suicidal, which should delight us, right? Forgive me if I can’t celebrate, I’m sick to fucking death of stories about migrant toddlers, bruised from sleeping on gravel and concrete because they were detained UNDER A FUCKING BRIDGE. You can read all the political analysis you want, but you can’t help but remember that we’re talking about a policy of government-sponsored terrorism, paid for with your tax dollars and mine. (source)A quibble – naming the act of ripping children away from terrorized parents and then sticking them in cages "family separations" feels sorta akin to calling Auschwitz a Holiday Camp. I imagine Ilse, I mean Kirstjen, the witch of the Rio Grande valley, came up with that coy little euphemism.
I’m sick of imagining the horror that these children and their parents are living through. On top of the viciously monstrous barbarity of tearing apart these asylum seeking families (who are already fleeing terror at home!), more than 4,500 of the caged children, CHILDREN, have been sexually abused. The demonic employees of that human(ish) shaped cesspool – the head of the Republican party – are responsible.
How can anyone on this planet be so astoundingly, greasily, hate-filled, callous and clearly mentally ill. Those who continue to support 45 (AKA the Ranting Yet Still Lukewarm Pool of Diarrhetic Tasmanian Devil Poo) are right there with him. They're holding the bag for these crimes agaainst humanity too.
These pernicious prats, criminally devoid of empathy, deserve every bad fate they fall into…including cancer. Too bad disease doesn’t discriminate in its targeting. It SO should.
Have I said this yet today? That profoundly UNdemocratic and obvs spectacularly stupid electoral college gifted us this horror-show-on-steroids president. Ya know, just like they inflicted W and endless chickenhawkery on us. The electoral college MUST be disbanded with extreme prejudice if this country is to survive.
All artwork by Picasso (Gurenica at top) and Käthe Kollwitz.
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