Now that I've finished the intensive eyeball saving week of exams, treatment and training, I'm back to paying attention to the news. Staying well and truly informed is important to me. Given my love for the Alien series and other scary sci-fi, can this be at all surprising?
I found out that, sometimes, there's a bit of justice in this scary as fuck world. Brock Turner, The Dumpster Rapist, is still a registered sex offender.
We're not a nation of people anymore. Nope, we're no more than a run-away dumpster fire.
I also learned that I’m not the only one with a vivid and sometimes scary as hell dream life. The New York Crank's post Nine Horrifying Political Nightmares for the Trump Age is brill. I’m especially fond of numbers eight and nine.
You probably already heard about that mentally unbalanced shit stain, Brian Boquist, of Oregon. Incredibly, this poor impulse control moron is a state senator.
Joe Berkowitz cannily observed that the media seems to be suffering from Presidential Sexual Assault Fatigue as.
In a fab post, The Rude One notes that his latest completely credible accuser, Carroll
Me? I’m gonna buy (OK, borrow from the library) E. Jean Carroll’s new book What Do We Need Men For?

Brock limited the appeal of his conviction because it belatedly occurred to his lawyers that a retrial might open the door to Brock being sent to prison for several years. He argued that there was not sufficient evidence for a conviction. The appellate court laid out the facts of the case and, in essence, said that he was full of shit (the legal term is "this argument lacks merit”). (source)Will there be justice for the thousands of migrant children sexually assaulted in Republican concentration camps? Puh-LEESE, them kids are brown and this is Republi/Fascist AMURIKKKA – I’m not holding my breath.
We're not a nation of people anymore. Nope, we're no more than a run-away dumpster fire.
I also learned that I’m not the only one with a vivid and sometimes scary as hell dream life. The New York Crank's post Nine Horrifying Political Nightmares for the Trump Age is brill. I’m especially fond of numbers eight and nine.
You probably already heard about that mentally unbalanced shit stain, Brian Boquist, of Oregon. Incredibly, this poor impulse control moron is a state senator.
Tensions were already smoldering in the Oregon Senate Wednesday, when Sen. Brian Boquist, R-Dallas, poured gasoline on the situation, suggesting he would shoot and potentially kill any state trooper sent to haul him unwillingly back to the Capitol. (source)OH, but it’s AOK if you’re a rich, white guy with a gun as Steve M. points out.
Threats of violence from non-whites are regarded as scary and menacing by the media, liberal or non-liberal. But rural whites are seen as Real Men and Real Americans; when they threaten violence, they're just getting back to their frontier roots. So of course these Oregon right-wingers are getting away with it. (source)I betcha Boquist and Tony Tinydick (oops, I mean Tinderholt) would have an ultra sexy bromance if they ever met. HEY, mebbe they already have. I’d love to crash and glitter-bomb the hell outta one of their dates.
Joe Berkowitz cannily observed that the media seems to be suffering from Presidential Sexual Assault Fatigue as.
If a male CEO accused of rape insisted the allegation was untrue because the accuser was “not my type,” it stands to reason he’d no longer be CEO anymore. Amazingly, this standard does not apply to the President of the United States. (source)22 women have now come forward to tell the realities of their assaults by theTangerine Skid Mark. This is on top of his odious, utterly creepaholic TEEN beauty pageant behavior. All this should be HUGE yet none have stayed in the news for more than a cycle or two.
In a fab post, The Rude One notes that his latest completely credible accuser, Carroll
I'm betting she's getting rape and death threats constantly. That's how we live now. (source)Yup.
Me? I’m gonna buy (OK, borrow from the library) E. Jean Carroll’s new book What Do We Need Men For?
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