This morning, my fantasy, my fondest desire is for 45 to be impeached, removed from office, tried and convicted of, amongst other things, gluttonous greed, rank stupidity and casually hideous cruelty.That and for the dump he's taken on the Constitution. Oh yeah, we can add treason to the mix.
I want him paraded off to Rikers or Leavenworth, live on the evening news. Yeah, I know – even if he is tried and found guilty he’d never see a prison worthy of his crimes. Nope, he’d be in some country club hoosegow like Club Fed – Eglin Federal Prison Camp. I don’t believe he’d get to play golf there, his cell wouldn’t be cell phone equipped and he wouldn't be able to assault or rape any womens there either. Possibly this'd be hell enough?
Better still, let's send him to one of his Kiddy Koncentration Kamps where he can sleep on concrete floors and not be allowed soap or a toothbrush.
Professor Brian Ott pointed out in a Newsweek column that Treason Twat’s grade-school level bullying, his insults and name calling are tells. He’s giving away his biggest fears about his own-self.
Makes abundant sense to me!
45 praises dictators whose regimes are responsible for the horrific torture and death of an American citizen and a US based journalist. I guess he needed a way to top his concentration camp children deaths, eh?
WHY hasn’t this disgusting pile of fetid offal been impeached and imprisoned yet?
Oh yeah, Republi/Facists hold the Senate. McConnell the Iniquitous Turtle and his band of brutally callous, lockstep goons (AKA congresscritters) and their talking heads haven't finished looting us regular citizen types yet.
Get up, stand up, stand up for your right
Get up, stand up, don't give up the fight
~ Bob Marley
I want him paraded off to Rikers or Leavenworth, live on the evening news. Yeah, I know – even if he is tried and found guilty he’d never see a prison worthy of his crimes. Nope, he’d be in some country club hoosegow like Club Fed – Eglin Federal Prison Camp. I don’t believe he’d get to play golf there, his cell wouldn’t be cell phone equipped and he wouldn't be able to assault or rape any womens there either. Possibly this'd be hell enough?
Better still, let's send him to one of his Kiddy Koncentration Kamps where he can sleep on concrete floors and not be allowed soap or a toothbrush.
Professor Brian Ott pointed out in a Newsweek column that Treason Twat’s grade-school level bullying, his insults and name calling are tells. He’s giving away his biggest fears about his own-self.
Simply put, Trump consistently projects his own worst shortcomings and sins onto others. In fact, there is no better insight into Donald Trump and what he thinks about himself, if only unconsciously, than the things he repeatedly says about others in 280-character bursts. (source)

When I despair, I remember that all through history the way of truth and love have always won. There have been tyrants and murderers, and for a time, they can seem invincible, but in the end, they always fall. Think of it--always.
~ Mahatma Gandhi

WHY hasn’t this disgusting pile of fetid offal been impeached and imprisoned yet?
Oh yeah, Republi/Facists hold the Senate. McConnell the Iniquitous Turtle and his band of brutally callous, lockstep goons (AKA congresscritters) and their talking heads haven't finished looting us regular citizen types yet.
We are only as strong as we are united, as weak as we are divided.We MUST stand together to defeat this disgraceful abomination of a regime. I will vote for whoever wins the Democratic nomination. I have me faves – Harris, Warren, Castro and Inslee but I will vote for, and not publicly diss, the eventual nominee, whoever it is. Once elected, I will follow his/her actions and decisions and, should I disagree, my voice will be heard.
~ J.K. Rowling, Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire
Get up, stand up, stand up for your right
Get up, stand up, don't give up the fight
~ Bob Marley