You MAY have a cold if you posses:
I’ve got the generalized malaise down cold though – that and my forehead felt a smidge warm yesterday.
IS this a cold OR is this simply exhaustion. Would I treat them the same way? Rest?
I didn’t go to the gym yesterday (too busy sleeping) – would a session on the elliptical make me feel better or worse?
I consulted the Mayo Clinic site which advised:
SO, I’m off the Y where I’ll, post elliptical-ing, look into yoga classes.
I’m totes suspish of any fitness craze that requires new workout togs.
BUT, if it’ll boost my energy levels I’ll give it a shot.
Also too, I already practice yoga breathing to help me chill and sleep and witnessed the bennies. Maybe, just maybe, the rest of this yoga shit will be helpful too.
“Just the usual. Aspirin, vitamin C, a shot of whiskey.” That last was my great aunt Maureen’s remedy for whatever ailed you. She usually came down with “something” once a week.”
~ Suzanne M. Trauth, Running Out of Time
- Runny or stuffy nose
- Sore throat
- Cough
- Congestion
- Slight body aches or a mild headache
- Sneezing
- Low-grade fever
- Generally feeling unwell (malaise)
I’ve got the generalized malaise down cold though – that and my forehead felt a smidge warm yesterday.
IS this a cold OR is this simply exhaustion. Would I treat them the same way? Rest?
I didn’t go to the gym yesterday (too busy sleeping) – would a session on the elliptical make me feel better or worse?
I consulted the Mayo Clinic site which advised:
Exercise is usually OK if your symptoms are all "above the neck." These signs and symptoms include those you may have with a common cold, such as a runny nose, nasal congestion, sneezing or minor sore throat.OK cool BUT from this, it sounds like what I have is just good old fashioned exhaustion and the remedy is....dah, dah, duhhh...exercise. That feels all counter intuitive and shit but it ain’t.

Although almost any exercise is good, yoga may be especially effective for boosting energy. After six weeks of once-a-week yoga classes, volunteers in a British study reported improvements in clear-mindedness, energy, and confidence.A friend had given The Amazing Bob and I a “chair yoga” vid. I just couldn’t get into it. I think that’s entirely due to yoga, here in the good ol’ US of A, being the new, IN thing. Ten years ago, all these women I knew were becoming yoga instructors. It was like a hot, new religion. Like aerobics.
It’s never too late to try, either. University of Oregon researchers offered yoga instruction to 135 men and women ages 65 to 85. At the end of six months, participants reported an increased sense of well-being and a boost in overall energy. (source)
I’m totes suspish of any fitness craze that requires new workout togs.
BUT, if it’ll boost my energy levels I’ll give it a shot.
Also too, I already practice yoga breathing to help me chill and sleep and witnessed the bennies. Maybe, just maybe, the rest of this yoga shit will be helpful too.
“Just the usual. Aspirin, vitamin C, a shot of whiskey.” That last was my great aunt Maureen’s remedy for whatever ailed you. She usually came down with “something” once a week.”
~ Suzanne M. Trauth, Running Out of Time