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Thursday, October 17, 2019

The Kids are Alright

The kids back in youger days
I woke with this tune playin’ in ma tête:
Sweet dreams are made of this
Who am I to disagree?
I travel the world
And the seven seas,
Everybody's looking for something.

Some of them want to use you
Some of them want to get used by you
Some of them want to abuse you
Some of them want to be abused.
Proud parents, Martin and Della
Thoughts of my cousin Della’s not so young anymore bairn were in there too.

Maya’s just finished her undergrad studies in Edinburgh (Scotland and I canNOT believe that I didn’t visit her there. I LOVE that town! Granted, the last few years have kinda been packed with the crazy here so…) and is considering going on for grad studies in London. What’s she studying? I ferget but it’s something deeply, impressively intellectual.

Logan’s just transferred from university in Amsterdam to one in NYC. He’s coming at a stratospherically wild, crazy time. WILL there be a not Civil at all War? Now that Preznint Shit for Brains has unleashed ISIS will there be more attacks? WILL the election, to rid us of this insane, dangerous and utterly dimwitted narcissist and his renfields, happen at all. Will the crybaby Treasonweasel be impeached and removed?

So yeah, I worry.

Maya and Logan impress the shit outta me. They’re mega smart, resourceful, adventurous and brave. I wish I’d had those qualities when I was their age. Hells bells, I wish I had them now!

Oh and, by the way, my eye is AOK. Why’s it rockin’ red so often? //shrugs// I gotta make an appointment with BostonSight to have the lab check the lens, my prosthetic cornea, for problems. I have an idea of what the cause MIGHT be though. I shake so damn much (like Parkinson's but it’s not), especially when nervous (and putting the lens in IS nervous making). Smooth lens insertion is a challenge. Motherfucking eye’s a sensitive little bugger. Ya know?!

What’s the solution? Meditation. Deep breathing. Getting an image in my head and focussing. Lately, I’ve been homing in on a picture of one perfect coffee bean. Why? I can’t have jolt juice until AFTER my eye is safely in. I have first-thing-in-the-AM NEEDS don’cha know.
The Kids Are Alright – The Who

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