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Saturday, June 20, 2020

The Creative Force and Other Random Bits

Hot off my easel
Help me Tawny Chatmon you're my only hope!

Yeah, you got your Force, I got mine.

Is a painting ever really done? Sure and fuck yeah BUT, if it’s one of mine, who knows? I think this one, at right, is finished but I won’t actually know until it’s been hanging on the wall for a bit.

Sometimes looking at a piece in a different light, from a new angle and upside-down is the only way to know what, if anything, is needed.
This morning’s favorite painter/illustrator is Kadir Nelson.

This morning’s favorite sculptors Valerie Marty and Austen Brantley.

Have I mentioned the abso-amazing quilt artist Bisa Butler already?

What about Kara Walker?
"The purpose of a storyteller is not to tell you how to think, but to give you questions to think upon."
~ Brandon Sanderson, The Way of Kings 

Best question? What if…

What if I was a spacefaring traveler
What if I was me, in all my heretical/nonconformist glory and living in less semi-enlightened times?
What if I was able to swap out my banjaxed skinsuit for a fully functioning one with Old Man’s War extras?
You wear makeup?

Do you do it because it’s fun? Awesome!

Do you do it because you feel less attractive or even naked without it? Get some therapy – learn to love yourself warts, scars and all. Precious few of us are gonna look like Halle Berry, Marilyn Monroe or Penelope Cruz even on our very bestest days. Accept yourself.

Look In the mirror – note and appreciate your beauty, your differentness, your own personal fabulousness because, goddammit, you ARE FABOLA!
"When someone is mean to me, I just make them a victim in my next book."
~ Mary Higgins Clark

Me? I change their name, how I know/knew them and, often, their gender. Why change names, circumstance and sex?
  1. Because I don’t want lawsuits. One was actually threatened by a painfully UNselfaware, victim-playing, rage addict and that was WITH all the masks/veils employed. I’m not into going through that again
  2. I’m not into doxxing or even demi-doxxing. That’s just so very small, petty, cruel and Republican. Granted some shitheels totally deserve it like the cosplay camo swathed, gun toting shitheels who get their pebbles off threatening peaceful protesters.
BUT I’m not gonna bring the wrath of the internet down on someone’s head just because somebody was a jackass to me. THEY might recognize themselves in a post of mine and think the world does too – that’s just their hell to live in.
Art is a line around your thoughts.
~ Gustav Klimt

If I could say it in words there would be no reason to paint
~ Edward Hopper

I never paint dreams or nightmares. I paint my own reality.”
~ Frida Kahlo

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