Wednesday, September 30, 2020

Human Shaped Obscenity

That's our President – put in place by the entirely UNdemocratic Electoral College.

When I despair, I remember that all through history the way of truth and love have always won. There have been tyrants and murderers, and for a time, they can seem invincible, but in the end, they always fall. Think of it – always.
~ Mahatma Gandhi

I want to believe this. I want to take comfort from this. Even if/when 45 loses, he won’t be gone. His insanely rabid, gun toting, white terrorist shit stains won’t take the loss of their mentally banjaxed leader peacefully. There may not be a formal second civil war but there will be blood, death and destruction.

I didn’t watch the “debate” last night. I have however, been reading the news reports this morning. I totally didn’t need to witness that ratfucking freak’s failure soaked faux tough guy performance. He’s a dimwitted, demented, festering boil on humanity's hairy ass and a severely disturbed, overgrown toddler who should’ve been institutionalized eons ago. 

What I want, more than anything, is for him to lose in a landslide and disappear, along with his criminal spawn, his Republi/Fascist co-conspirators, the ass licking renfields and all his fixers. Every trace of his existence on this planet should be expunged with extreme prejudice. His properties should be seized and transformed into something useful – like hospitals, homeless shelters and public schools.

A thousand trees should be planted on each of his golf courses. They should become oxygen giving forests instead of playgrounds for disgustingly greedheaded, savage asswipes.

If there are more “debates,” there needs, first off, to be a real moderator – not some doormat in a suit. No, I've got a better idea – get a ref like you’d see in an Extreme Fighting Championship AND have live fact checking. Every time that tax dodging fucker lies, he should get an electric shock. Also muzzle him, a la Hannibal Lecter, when it’s not his turn to speak or, at the very least, cut his damn mic.

I wonder how many nice, white suburban housewives votes he won last night with his insanely deranged, abusive husband schtick?

OK, here’s how obviously, horrifically awful Preznint Maggot Brain’s performance was – one of Ten’s grandson’s (who’s 13 AND autistic) exclaimed “WHAT a shit show!” In-fucking-deed! That's one smart, observant kid.

Life ... is a tale
Told by an idiot, full of sound and fury,
Signifying nothing.

~ William Shakespeare, Macbeth


  1. From the mouth of babes...

    I watched the "shit show," and am mourning the loss of the 95 minutes I'll never get back. While I admired JOE for not walking out, and generally responding fairly well to the barrage of bullying, name calling, inane statements, and general insanity, I felt sorry for what he had to endure. The general media interpretation is that JOE won the debate by behaving as a mature adult. I would add sane as a modifier to adult...

    Trump, on the other hand, was well into moon bat territory, although that may be an insult to moon bats. In other words, it was Trump being nakedly Trump for all the world to see, and realize the horror of having that man in the Oval Office. The only truthful comment from Trump is that "this won't end well." I agree, it won't end well, but measured by his disastrous performance it should end with JOE as number 46...

    1. It seems pretty clear to me now that 45 won't win the election. I'm fearing the disaster that will be wreaked between November 4 and January 20. Things are gonna get exponentially ugly.

    2. So does Josh...

    3. I'm nervous and scared. How can one man bring down an entire nation.
