Tuesday, September 29, 2020

To Watch or Not to Watch

Ya know, because I don’t watch teevee, not regular boob tube stuff anyway, I'm not all up on the latest celebrity "news.". The commercials, sitcoms and those this-is-in-no-way-“reality” type shows just don't grab me. I'm possibly missing a lot of what’s going down.

OK, no. As you probably know, I doom surf far more than is healthy. Plus. I read actual news online from real, credible (versus Trump slavering) sources. I keep up on the shit that matters.

I understand that Dennis Quaid, who is apparently a total 45 piss flavored kool aid drinking moron, is starring in ads that “put a positive spin on the Trump administration’s handling” of the Idiot Treasonweasel Virus. Quaid thinks the Orange Menace is “doing a good job” which tells me all I need to  know about Quaid's intelligence levels (i.e., they don’t exist). He claims to have received no pay for his work on this which, I suppose, makes his shill a more of a whores performance than a hoo
ker's. He’s just giving it away.

This song comes to mind:
Idiot wind
Blowing every time you move your teeth
You're an idiot, babe
It's a wonder that you still know how to breathe
~ Bob Dylan
204,941 Americans have died SO FAR. With Preznint Liar spewing a constant, ridiculous fountain of diarrheal horseshit we’ve yet to make it through the first wave of this horror show. Yesterday alone, nationwide, there were 37,234 new cases and 344 fresh deaths. But sure, let’s put on a happy face and pretend that this’ll all vanish. Just put some over the hill, once popular actor on teevee to sell the Tax Dodging Broke-Ass Russian Puppet in Chief’s fantasies – sure, that’ll do the trick.
I had another COVID test while in hospital this past weekend. Yup, I’m still virus-free. Yea me. This is because, on the rare times I go out, I wear my damn mask and keep a minimum of six feet between me and other humans (as do Jen, Ten and Oni). The case and death counts continue to rise here in Massachusetts. Maybe if we had an intelligent governor, we’d shut down again but NO.

Meanwhile, tonight is the first Presidential debate. No, I will not watch. What’s the point? The Cockwomble in Chief is just gonna stand up there lying, throwing schoolyard personal attacks and flinging his own poo like the deranged idiot he is. There won’t be an official fact checker so Biden’s on his own to catch and stamp on every lie that comes out of Preznint Jizz Brain’s face-hole.

I AM sorely tempted to watch the VP debate on October 7th though. It’s a lock that Harris will simply destroy Mama’s boy, the Dense Pence and that’ll be an absolute joy to watch.


  1. Sad news about the seizure. My partner Cindy had the same kind of tumours as you, but only two that had to be excised from the left temporal lobe about ten years apart. Her neurologist told her that because a seizure pathway was created by the meningiomas she is at risk for more seizures. So far when they happen it's no more than a case of the twitchies, so no loss of consciousness. She has an annual MRI and she also takes Keppra which she says makes her stoned...

    What I've gathered from numerous discussions with the experts is that you can have a fairly severe seizure without a new tumour. Your body may be wired for them. Not sure if there's much comfort in this, but I hope you can avoid another surgery...

    Keep us posted...

    1. Wow, I'm sorry that Cindy has this too! Keppra doesn't make me feel stoned...a shame. I could use a bonus high about now.
