Saturday, October 3, 2020

I've been Schadenfreude Surfing

No Orange Weasel tweets yesterday apart from “oh yeah, I’ve got the disease that was gonna disappear in April, like a miracle.”

Huh. Maybe he really DOES have his namesake plague and maybe the docs at Walter Reed took his phone away.

Considering the Idiot in Chief’s proclamation that “99%” of COVID-19 cases are “totally harmless,” I don’t understand why he felt the need to check into the hospital. Couldn’t he just chill at the WH – ya know, take a little extra “executive time?”
(all quotes from The Atlantic post All the President’s Lies About the Coronavirus: An unfinished compendium of Trump’s overwhelming dishonesty during a national emergency)

Oh yeah and he got an 8 gram dose of Regeneron's polyclonal antibody cocktail, experimental and not yet approved by the FDA, ”as a precautionary measure." But sure, tell me again how his symptoms are mild. The man’s comorbidity incarnate. He’s 74, eats nothing but greasy junk, is morbidly obese, snorts drugs and, very likely had a stroke or a series of mini-strokes earlier this year.

Last Saturday’s Amy Coronavirus Barrett event – mostly maskless and NO social distancing, seems to have been the super spreader source.

Covid-19 symptoms can take between two and 14 days to develop, the average being five days. Factoring in the schedules of the president, first lady, Ms Hicks, and Senator Lee over the past week creates a web of many dozens or even hundreds of people with whom they may have come into direct contact. (source)
So far, Biden’s tested negative but it’s only been four days since his contact with Typhoid Donnie. William FUCK-the-Constitution-and-rule-of-law Barr has tested negative as well BUT he had very close contact with Kellyanne Conway at the Barrett promo and she’s tested positive. There’s still a chance.

I’m seeing silver linings ALL over the damn place!

No, after all the damage done by 45, his Fascist party (I’m lookin’ at you Moscow Mitch), obsequious renfields and low rent grifter children, I don’t have one skinny scintilla of compassion for these fucks. 

As the First Porn Model famously declaimed – “I really don’t care. Do U?”

Meanwhile, our hoax diseased preznint has had a few unsurprising observations on his “devout” evangelical followers:

They’re all hustlers,” Trump said.

…Trump seemed to feel a kinship with prosperity preachersoften evincing a game-recognizes-game appreciation for their hustle. The former campaign adviser recalled showing his boss a YouTube video of the Israeli televangelist Benny Hinn performing “faith healings,” while Trump laughed at the spectacle and muttered, “Man, that’s some racket.” (source
I imagine 45’s fellow frauds are “praying” 24/7 for their God of the Holy Tax Break.

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