Sunday, October 4, 2020

Not Today

"The world has no sympathy with any but positive griefs. It will pity you for what you lose; never for what you lack."
~ Sophie Swetchine

A positive grief? It entirely depends on who you are.

If you’re famously pro-choice and suffer a devastating miscarriage, you can expect the trolls, bigots and bff’s of their always angry, cruel white god to be their worst, most inhumane selves.

If you’re poor and lack the buckos to maintain a healthy diet, you can expect to be blamed for being overweight or having bad teeth or high blood pressure and more. As though being that wretchedly poor is a choice.

And god forbid you be Black in 45’s America. You don’t get to have any kind of “positive” grief.

Sometimes though, justice exists but that shit’s hard won.

...and my white supremacist, shitheel nephew calls me a “race traitor.”

"Justice will not be served until those who are unaffected are as outraged as those who are."
~ Benjamin Franklin

Are you angry? Are you in a rage over the myriad injustices meted out to those of us who lack wealth and/or are Black or otherwise melanin enriched? If not, WHY not?

"Many that live deserve death. And some that die deserve life. Can you give it to them? Then do not be too eager to deal out death in judgement. For even the very wise cannot see all ends."
~ J.R.R. Tolkien, The Fellowship of the Ring

I don’t wish pain or death on anyone – no, not even on the Orange Menace and his miscreant cult. We all have damage with which we struggle and/or just fucking give in to. Having said that, there are so very many whose deaths I will NOT mourn.

What’s that? 

Oh, the president might have a deadly disease and I’m being a dick?


Yes I am. If you’re expecting sympathy, look in the dictionary between shit and syphilis. I got no fucks to give for the guy whose gross incompetence and deliberate stupidity killed 200,000 Americans."
~ Jim Wright

Trump, that ratlicking fucker, has been a Plague45 superspreader. He showed up to the debate too late to be tested (intentionally, no doubt). As of Friday, at least 11 cases have been tied to the debate alone. He went to a fundraiser in New Jersey AFTER becoming even more symptomatic and, of course, there’s the Rose Garden event. Though Dense Pence and Billy Barr have both been in close contact with COVID carriers, NEITHER is isolating. Surprised? No, me neither.

Edgar Allen Poe’s Masque of the Red Death comes to mind (hat-tip to my buddy Mark!).

"In a country decimated by an epidemic known as the Red Death, a ruler named Prince Prospero seeks refuge for himself and his courtiers behind the walls of his compound. Amid other distractions, he throws a masked ball at which a stranger dressed in red appears. This figure is none other than the Death itself, and in its presence, first the prince and then his entourage “one by one dropped … in the blood-bedewed halls of their revel, and died each in the despairing posture of his fall.” (source)

45’s ghoulish, hypocritical party to molto rapidamente replace the still warm corpse of the Notorious RBG with the anti-life, pro- religious dominion (as long as it’s HER religion or similar), Amy Coronavirus Barrett IS Poe’s tale.

"If you tremble with indignation at every injustice then you are a comrade of mine."
~ Ernesto Che Guevara


  1. I discovered Edgar Allan Poe at a young age, but his Masque of the Red Death confused me. Why would anyone put themselves in harms way? To please the Prince? But even at that young and fairly well read age, I was a science(y) nerd. Couldn't understand why people in the midst of a major epidemic would crowd into bars, rallies, worship fests, praising the Il Douche sessions. Later when the parental unit went full evangelical, I wised up...

    There exists a large percentage of people who are easily manipulated, and often fall victim to the scam of the moment, especially the scam involving a magnificent, wealthy, and powerful leader using the pretense of religious purity to claim He Is The One. Not sure why we have so many Sheeple in the world. You would expect they'd had long ago fallen victim to natural selection or Karma, but more than occasionally they do. It's as if we've constructed a society where stupid is encouraged, or at the least we've defunded public education to make it more prominent. In my mind, the Masque of the Red Death, doesn't quite encapsulate the present day phenom. It seems more like Jonestown(on steroids), where nearly a thousand willingly drank the kool-aid that ended their lives. Cult-45 is a more dangerous cult than the Jones flock. They number in the millions and are fervently focused on their P's and Q's (Proud Boys and Q Anons) and have long ago left the Earthly bounds of fact, reason, and intellectualism (maybe a stretch here) to unquestioningly pursue a not so bright but shiny object personified as a rather rotund and fetid huckster. What could they be thinking (don't answer)???

    My guess here is the cult won't learn from the Trump virus, they will continue to go maskless to their favorite bars and social gatherings, spreading the virus to the innocent as well as their comrades. But natural selection is an observable fact, and dressed in black, will play his part as the grim reaper of stupidity. The rise of intelligence is a little like going bankrupt. It happens slowly at first, and then all at once...

  2. I agree completely.

    A full on third of this country's population make sheep look like genius physicists. All we can do is continue to mask up, keep distance and stay home when we can.
