Friday, October 23, 2020

Mr. Big Stuff

No, I most certainly did not watch the debate. Life’s way too short to spend even a brief flash of my time witnessing the fascist fuck’s lies, obfuscations and general assaults on reality.

Variety’s take is fabulously written, witty and to the point and I LOVE the title:
Donald Trump Behaved in the Second Debate, Which Gave Joe Biden the Chance to Destroy Him
In a way, tonight’s debate actually was a fine presidential debate, because it laid bare a truly coherent clash of visions: the vision of someone who wants to use government to help people, and is full of fire-tested ideas to do it, and the vision of someone who doesn’t. (source)
At the end the FPMOTUS* showed us, once again, how much she detests her bloated and flaccid, rabid orange, dumpster fire of a John.
*First Porn Model of the United States. Ya know, that acronym doesn’t flow as nicely as FLOTUS. It lacks weight and dignity. I’m glad we can retire it soon (though not soon enough).
There should, and probably will, be a Best Of compilation of all the times she’s publicly dissed him. To be clear, both of them are repulsive, rapacious, vainglorious, empathy devoid, racist as all hell, entitled doody heads. They more than deserve each other.

Apparently his kink is being publicly humiliated. Hers is passive aggressive, supercilious domination. Whatever trips your tiny, two-bit, gold-plated triggers, chums but please take it off the international stage.

God, if she/he exists RILLY fucked up with the creation of us human types. For starters, the deal with breathing and heartbeats being necessary for continued existence? Sure. Good. I get it but WHY was empathy not included on this list?

If I did the creating action, shit would be way different. For a start, can’t walk a mile in another’s Chucks? Dude/dudette, caring about/for your fellow humans is one of them serious life essentials. Don’t have it in ya? Sorry/not sorry, you don’t have what’s needed in order to share this spinning blue planet with ants let alone your fellow humans.

Elephants, dolphins, whales, chimpanzees, your dog and my damn cat all have a more evolved sense of decency than a sadly significant number of humans. What the ever-lovin' fuck and shit?!

Also too, narcissism SHOULD be a terminal, life-support-ain’t-gonna-help-your-ugly-brained-ass condition. It’d be like cancer only not so desperately sad or scary because, RILLY now, narcissists? Fuck those nasty-ass, egomaniacal twats. The world is far better off without them. Now then, to be all charitable and shit, if I was in charge, narcissism could be curable if caught early enough. Age five, fer instance.

Jean Knight – Who do you think you are, Mr. Big Stuff

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