Saturday, October 24, 2020

Be Prepared

It appears that Yertle the Diseased Turtle (AKA Moscow Mitch) is putrefying before our very eyes. Naturally, the justice jilting and democracy killing Russian asset says he “has no health concerns.” Boy howdy, if MY hands looked like rotted, oozing eggplants and my kisser appeared as though someone had sucker punched ME (ooooo, that ain’t  healing well), I believe I’D sure as shit have some “health concerns.”

Hello? Karma? Nice job, man!

I’ve been rereading Sun Tzu’s The Art of War

 Why? Am I about to kick off some major hostilities? Nope. 

Am I anticipating huge, violent, loose turds to hit the fan when Diarrheal Diaper Don loses AND the Senate turns blue? I believe, even here in blue, blue Massachusetts, it’s a possibility. Of course it is – there are asswipian, rabid squirrel brains everywhere. Better to be prepared, to have survival strategies ahead of time than to be caught with yur knickers at yur knees, eh?

The other reason for rereading Sun Tzu is that his lessons on war can be applied to everyday life.

If you know the enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the result of a hundred battles. If you know yourself but not the enemy, for every victory gained you will also suffer a defeat. If you know neither the enemy nor yourself, you will succumb in every battle.
Do you know who you are? What your strengths and weaknesses are? Do you understand the person/org/whatev who is currently your antagonist? How does this entity handle adversity? In times of stress or trouble. How do they typically behave?
The supreme art of war is to subdue the enemy without fighting.
Why fight, why risk life, limb and sanity when you can negotiate, dance, finesse and beguile.

Appear weak when you are strong, and strong when you are weak.
Sometimes my enemy is my own damn self. Yup. Over this past year, depression has loomed large. I mean, honest to fuck mes amis, I’ve had:

  • TWO big ass neuro surgeries, with a third in the pipeline.
  • TWO ambulance and hospital-stay seizures.
  • My ongoing bullshit eye issues.
  • Plague45 has made everything more difficult, dangerous (on top of needlessly killing 224,000 Americans!) and has, more or less, made me housebound (and 10 pounds chubbier).
  • The Orange Menace has become more desperately unhinged every single damn day. He continues to incite his fanbois to violence for which he, of course, denies all responsibility.
  • His likeminded, soulless, sycophantic Republi/Fascist Party continues to lie, cheat and steal from the very citizens who elected them.

So then, there are times when I shake off how weak I’m feeling and don my titanium cloak of humor and fuck-that-shit-Imma-win-this-battle-EASY in order to make it through and sometimes just to get out of bed. I gotta appear to be strong to my own damn self.

This generally works as I’m such a hopeless sucker for my own sparkly dog and pony show.

Why appear weak when you’re not? Goodness…to bamboozle and gull the would be predators, my dearies.
To know your Enemy, you must become your Enemy.
Know how they think, study their actions, their behaviors. Be prepared. I don’t know how my Republi/Fascist neighbors will react when their hero, the drug addled Tangerine Toddler AND his Senate go down in flames. I will, at the least, avoid walking past their homes on my daily rambles.

By the by, I still want my money back on 2020. It is NOT functioning as advertised. Dammit!


  1. Moscow Mitch) is putrefying before our very eyes

    Couldn't happen to a more deserving revenant. He has the morals and human decency of a zombie, so perhaps his body is finally starting to reflect his true nature.

    Unfortunately, even if he finally collapses into a festering puddle of carrion, not even that will stop him from cramming Coathanger Coney onto the Supreme Court.

    1. "Coathanger Coney"


      I wonder how much damage she and rapey crybaby Kavanaugh will do before we, HOPEFULLY, win back the Senate, keep the House and replace Typhoid Trumpy.

  2. Be of good cheer Donna. Be of good cheer. I had to reach a long way back for that one (December 1955), but I was a fan before discovering the real world...

    I think the best explanation for Charlie and Linus was that they empathized with Snoopy but failed to take action. Not sure what suffices for action. I voted, donated money, talked to whomever would listen, but still feel something is lacking. It's been some time since I've read Sun Tzu's Art of War, but have lived my life accordingly, staying as strong as I can for as long as I can. Best outcome for this election is a blowout. Less than that the GOP will attempt to steal it. We have to be prepared for that outcome. I have a neighbor who is a Trump supporter, who was talking trash about the coming civil war. I asked him which of his neighbors was he gonna shoot first. He wouldn't or couldn't answer. I personalized the question. He's been a fairly decent neighbor all these years, not some rabid guy, but I disarmed him by planting the horrific idea of killing his neighbors. I think Sun Tzu would understand...

    1. That Snoopy cartoon is fabulous and so very timely. There will always be "woke" folk (see today's post) who are well meaning but utterly fucking clueless.

      "I asked him which of his neighbors was he gonna shoot first."

      BRILLIANT and and, yes, very Sun Tzu of you! :-)
