Wednesday, October 21, 2020

Q and A

Does the Tangerine Twat know that he’s running against Joe, NOT Hunter, Biden? Does his slavering dimbulbed staff understand this OR the fact that Hilary Clinton is also NOT on the ticket?

No, the answer is no.

Is there anything more annoying than smooth jazz (AKA elevator music for people who want to seem “sophisticated”)?


Could I BE any more disgusted by Kentucky's voting?


Looks like they're going to reelect Senator Douchenozzle – Moscow Mitch.

…it’s important to understand that the credit for orchestrating the demise of our once-great nation should largely go to Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, a man possessed by the same lust for power and moral turpitude as Trump, but not hobbled by Trump's stupidity or short-sightedness. (source)
As I’ve asked before, have all the good, intelligent, righteous people of this state been voter suppressed and gerrymandered into effective nonexistence? By the by, red, red Kentucky with its screw-the-poor senate duo ranks SECOND in the take-more-federal-buckos-than-they-give Olympics. For every one dollar a Kentuckian gives, they get back $2.42. Sweet deal, no?

Here in Massachusetts? We’re a “Donor State.” Along with New York, New Jersey and Connecticut, for every dollar we send to the Feds, we get back around 91 cents. Given that we’re heavily subsidizing Moscow Mitch and Ayn Rand Paul’s state, seems to me we ought to be getting a little quid pro quo – right?!

The VERY least these odious, deadbeat "public servants" could do to make good on their debt, is cut the dog-shit court justice chicanery. Will that happen?

Of course not!

Did you know, voters in Florida and several other states have been getting emails, supposedly from the hate group The Proud Boys (the address is

“Vote for Trump or else!" the email's subject line proclaimed.

"We are in possession of all your information (email, address, telephone… everything)," the message stated. "You are currently registered as a Democrat and we know this because we have gained access into the entire voting infrastructure. You will vote for Trump on Election Day or we will come after you. Change your party affiliation to Republican to let us know you received our message and will comply. We will know which candidate you voted for. I would take this seriously if I were you.” (source)

Turns out the wickedly illegal, totally toothless, bullshit emailed threats are sent via a "cloud infrastructure provider in Saudi Arabia called 'Saudi Executive Cloud.’"

So, I guess we know where the Trump Crime Cartel will be escaping to when the Orange Menace loses the election. Saudi Arabia has no extradition treaty with the US.

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