Tuesday, October 27, 2020

We're in for nasty weather

How is it only Tuesday and why are there still seven more long days until the election?

I’m expecting each day to be more of an utter shitshow than the one before and doubt I'll be disappointed.

Despite rotting before our very eyes. Wrinkly Gamera (Shower Cap’s tag for Moscow Mitch) is still somehow able to carry on with his democracy destruction. He continues to pack the courts with incompetent rightwing whackaloons whose sole purpose is to return the U.S. to the good old days. Ya know, before women could vote or have ANY financial or physical autonomy; a time when LBGT folk needed to live in deep, dark closets because their love was deemed heinously wrong by a bunch of craptacularly hypocritical, bigoted Mr./Mrs. Kravitz types. MM and his team of craven shitheels miss the fine times when wearing a white robe and pointy hood was a smart fashion statement versus a billboard, advertising a desperately limited and diseased mind. 

The Republi/Facist goons are nostalgic for when they could easily be no more than milquetoasty mediocre and/or cravenly criminal and STILL rule the roost.

What’s that you say? But, but Amy Covid Barrett’s a womanshe’s been voted onto the highest court in the land (a lifetime appointment!) by Republicans. She's got a vagina so we're all good, right? 

WRONG-O, mes amis. For the Party of Predjudice, women and POC are no more than show pieces. They’re flags to fly to “prove” they're rilly, truly not a barbarous, dimwitted group of bullying asshats who’re trying to role back progress to the 1850s. HONEST!

Nice try fuckheads but I ain't buying yur half baked horseshit.

Covid Barrett’s just a useful idiot, tool like Phyllis Schlafly, Crazy Eyes Bachmann or the Abominable Snowbilly, Sarah Palin. Barrett’s nothing more than window dressing to gull and comfort the rubes. Ya know, the sort who start a sentence with “I’m all for equal rights BUT…

Yeah, we're in for nasty weather.

Enough of all this though.

Ten’s seventh grandchild was born at 4:38 this morning. Abigail Rose is healthy as all hell and we look forward to meeting her. Ten’s son Jaxon and daughter-in-law Denise are frazzled and exhausted but happy.

When we are born, we cry that we are come to this great stage of fools.
~ William Shakespeare, King Lear

Nothing compares to becoming aware of the massive face of the universe hidden in a newborn’s stare.
~ Curtis Tyrone Jones

The most ironic thing in the world is having no say when your name is determined for the first time (which is also for the last time for most), because newborns are not necessarily known for speaking their minds.
~ Pawan Mishra, Coinman: An Untold Conspiracy

If Chuck or Lu had just asked me (and I was able to articulate), I would’ve opted for Ruby Ocean or Ruby Reptilicus. Either one woulda been all groovy and shit.

1 comment:

  1. For Ten...

